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For #1 I can highly recommend this interactive article by Bartosz Ciechanowski: https://ciechanow.ski/sound/. It might lack the depth you want in intermediate or advanced topics, but in my opinion it is the most efficient and effective beginner education material out there.

Nice site; the interaction aspect is particularly good.

Thanks for the link!

I also found this "University of Southampton" site on Sound really helpful : https://blog.soton.ac.uk/soundwaves/

I have the same problem. Snaps are confined to only files within $HOME. I keep almost all data under /media/ and this caused snaps to be mostly unusable for me, at least unusable for productivity apps where I need to process data. Some apps though are self contained, e.g. Spotify, for example, works fine for me as a snap.

The limitation stems from a design problem, details at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1643706.

There is also a problem where snapd fails if your home directory isn't called /home/username (i.e. if it's located in a different path).

At this point snap sounds like a bad joke to me. Especially when Flatpak already exists.


Yup. There needs to be considerable work to integrate snaps from completely sandboxed (no access to file system/network/hardware), to giving them controlled access to some resources, managed/monitored by root and/or user.

I would be interested in seeing and reviewing your asyncio work gwillz! I have a small (750 sloc) network service implemented with asyncio and ran into some design problems around modularly handling healthchecking, exception handling/monitoring, and auto recovery/restart. I was unable to find much in the way of large software written with asyncio to learn better patterns from, so ended up with what, to me, feel like mediocre solutions. My email is in my profile.

"transaction-level" pooling might be a more apt description. Instead of assigning each incoming connection to a dedication upstream connection for the entire duration of the incoming connection, it assigns the upstream connections on a per-transaction basis. When each transaction ends, the upstream connection is returned to the pool. A better description is at https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/PgBouncer.

I can recommend Code Complete by Steve McConnell. One of the primary aspects of this book that makes stand above other best-practices books is how much of it is sourced from software engineering research, although not the entirety. If nothing else, the bibliography is full of articles similar to the OP.

You end up with a very similar situation as you do without integer linear programming - an enormous search space. In the papers I've read on VRP that provide a linear programming formulation (2), they then fall back to approximate methods for actually doing the work.

ILP is not the same as brute forcing it, branch and bound and cut will quickly weed out a lot of that search space. And a good solver should find approximate solutions quickly.

The question is whether good solutions are found 1) as quickly as with the simulated annealing approach 2) as good as that approach 3) whether the formulation is maybe simpler.

Location: Reno, Nevada

Remote: Possible

Willing to Relocate: Absolutely

Technologies: C++, Python, Javascript, SQL, Django, Flask, OpenGL, QT, Boost, Git

Résumé/CV: http://www.johngm.com/resume-john-miller-sept2015.pdf

Email: john@johngm.com

For what it is worth, the lowercase cursive characters I learned in American public primary school around ~2002 were very similar or possibly identical to the lowercase characters in your image. However, the uppercase characters did have some more complexity.

One of the things you get to track improvement on with exercise is the ability to motivate yourself. It is part of you improving your physical and mental health, not unwanted noise.

For me when I started exercising seriously I started noticing I was consistently beating my personal bests [1] after about 2 weeks. It doesn't take 6 months. I even started feeling great from the cardio on Day 1.

[1] Running times over a set distance, and amount of pushups/pullups/situps in a row. If I actually recovered properly it would probably take even less time to beat the initial records.

Location: Reno, Nevada

Remote: Maybe

Willing to Relocate: Absolutely

Technologies: C++, Python, HTML, CSS, C, MATLAB, SQL, Django, Flask, OpenGL, Ogre3D, QT, Boost, Git

Résumé/CV: http://www.johngm.com/resume-hackernews-aug2015.pdf

Email: john@johngm.com

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