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“It is only allowed to remove the attribution if you are subscribed to one of the pro plans.” - how do you plan to enforce this in an MIT licensed library?

Very sad to see this (technically excellent) library pull this move.

With this "move" we are trying to ensure the further development of the library. We can't work voluntarily forever and we think that this is a good next step.

I wonder how many of these answers are real and how many is something people want/value but don't actually do in reality. But then again, a fake story from one person that makes two people change in a good direction is better than truth, no?

I have no idea what this is. A vest?

Its like a vest I guess

Is this designed with rural parts of africa in mind?

That's one application.

Why price it higher than squarespace?

pbjorklund asked a good question. Do you have good answers to what makes you different from SquareSpace, Weebly, Wix, etc? And why people should give their money to you instead of them? Because, while your landing page is clean and informative, your branding doesn't inspire me to believe you're special. If I were you, I'd leverage my small, scrappy status to show users I can give them something that the big players in the site-builder market can't.

Also: cool that you designed the landing page using SimplyBuilt! I would advertise that.

It needs content. Seeing posts that are 190 days old really didn't sell it to me

Man, that took me back to a simpler time.

I for one loved the green on black. But thats probably because I actually used green on black terminals back in my youth...

Gj Carl-Petter and Juha!

Perhaps VS online might be worth a shot? Subscription based so at least you don't stand to loose a lot of cash http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/pricing/details/visual-stu...

Thanks! Gonna give it a try, always thought online plans are only about their team management tools.

I wish more people running fullscale installations of Microsoft Office actually evaluated what the needs of the users are.

Does everyone need cloud sync to SharePoint? Shared calendars? Lync integration? Meeting room bookings?

The office suite can be really good (yes, I actually think so and use it by choice for my own company) if used correctly.

But sometimes all people want to do is write a 2 page paper on photosyntesis for biology, then it might be overkill.

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