or how Hollywood stole twenty years of "inspiration" from one man's mind. Hollywood is a sham, American creativity doesn't exist. the whole thing was a psyop
this is why I love hacker news. the actual article is shit. NASA source, but shit. terms you fucking nothing about the "how". then you come to the HN comments and it's a bunch of smart shit, each comment 100iq higher than the clickbait NASA bullshit they are nested beneath.
boomers hang on too long. it's a characteristic. they sit on Humanity's wealth like dragons, equally incapable of doing good with their wealth as they are unable to pass it on to a generation less fucking selfish.
millennials will be rich when... checks notes... boomers stop owning everything? so you're saying boomers are currently the richest generation in history and that won't change until they die?
shell condition is definitely a big "if" there, the shells are inconsistently packed and apparently factory workers will steal the (hard) copper forcing wire that cleans the barrel from fouling from some of the shells... and powder that is not stored consistently is itself dangerous and unpredictable. heat, humidity, time, etc all can paradoxically increase the burn rate of powder grains, stabilizing agents leak out etc.
there's an insane amount of 8mm mauser out there due to it being a relevant caliber for like 60+ years, and some of it has been stored in awful conditions and tends to... develop overpressure.