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There's no timeout on SSH sessions by default.

In good conditions you can go months without sending a single byte of traffic between an SSH server and client and both will pick up the connection just fine when it's time to communicate again.

You could cut off traffic between them for any amount of time and they would be none the wiser as long as the network connection is back to normal when they finally try to send traffic again.

(I had SSH sessions in a QA lab persist as if nothing had happened after the connection between the endpoints was down for almost a week while we replaced the aggregation layer routers. They never saw a link state change since the access layer switches were up the whole time. They never attempted to communicate while the connections between those were down, so there was never any problem as far as they were concerned.)

The keepalives and connection checks and so forth are mostly to account for things like stateful network gear (firewalls, NAT routers, etc) between the endpoints that will cease relaying traffic between them if they are quiet for too long.

Has anyone rolled this into a docker container yet?

Would you like me to share if I can't find one and wind up doing it myself?

The court explicitly limited their decision to the voices of professional singers in that case:

> ...these observations hold true of singing, especially singing by a singer of renown. The singer manifests herself in the song. To impersonate her voice is to pirate her identity...

> We need not and do not go so far as to hold that every imitation of a voice to advertise merchandise is actionable. We hold only that when a distinctive voice of a professional singer is widely known and is deliberately imitated in order to sell a product, the sellers have appropriated what is not theirs...

Doesn't this have an obvious edge case for every singer from now on though? If your voice is cloned before you become a singer of renown you have no protection.

Which is precisely why film producers are trying to get the power to do this to their actors.

They aren't going to use AI to have Tom Cruise in their film. He won't sign these rights away.

But they sure as hell want to have the next Tom Cruise sign those rights away as a condition for being hired to be Random Bystander #4 in a straight-to-streaming C-film.

Then, once he becomes successful and famous, they won't have to pay him a cent to keep using him, forever.

I can't wait for the future where even more of the wealth people who do work generate will be siphoned off to the owners.

Didn't SAG successfully negotiate better terms with regard to AI imitation after the recent strike?

Ah, good point.

We may be choosier than most about social media, but here we are typing our thoughts into a web page expecting nothing in return except the possibility of hearing other peoples' thoughts.

We all know people who are truly tired of social media, we're not going to hear from them here.

sshpass is a travesty of security.

It has all the pitfalls of putting your front door key under your doormat. Except you're doing it in a world where everyone can materialize a unique key out of thin air, and you can always instantly tell your door which of those keys should or shouldn't be allowed to open it.

sshpass is a curse, even calling it a crutch would be improper flattery. It's a dangerous cheat that accomplishes nothing except impeding people from otherwise spending the 20 minutes it takes to figure out SSH keys.

Yes this is the proper dogma, but you're missing the point.

Any automation around passwords is a crutch and a mistake. But sometimes it is necessary.

You don't always control the remote systems. The remote systems are not always capable of key-based auth. And sometimes the remote system is not of high concern so the "danger" is null.

sshpass makes a reasonable effort to do the best-possible thing under these less-than-ideal circumstances. The other options suck more.

My most recent use of sshpass is to collect reports from a vendor over sftp. I would have preferred to use https with BASIC auth, but in truth that has exactly the same problems as sshpass, and I have other hills to die on.

sometimes the device you're connecting to doesnt support ssh keys.

Showing it to a reporter with a reputable news agency shouldn't count as distribution.

Reporters and their editors are meant to be the experts on the ethics and legalities of what should be redacted and what level of detail is in the public interest to report.

You should be able to fork over everything to a reporter securely and let them defer to their ethics, consult with their lawyers, liaise with law enforcement, etc. to determine what level of disclosure is appropriate.

> An interview question for a position that requires knowledge of bash/linux/stuff could be:

> What if you're ssh'd into a machine, you're in your trusty bash shell, but unfortunately you cannot spawn any new processes because literally all other pids are taken. What do you do?

I'd look in the /proc/[pid]/ filesystem for visibility into what processes are exhausting the PID space.

`kill` is a shell builtin in bash, you don't have to rely on forking a new process like /bin/kill. If you can find out the parent process whose children are exhausting PIDs you're well on your way to stopping it and getting a handle on things again.

And I'll be darned, this script parses /proc. No | pipes or $( .. ) substitutions that would need to spawn another bash subshell process either. Pretty clean.

My answer in an interview was “exec Python”. Then you can call all the posix functions you need without launching separate commands.

This went over quite well.

It's interesting that mainstream Unix shells do not have a syscall function. That would be very useful.

Install this on production to almost guarantee to hear from the author in his official capacity :P

> Here is what people have been saying about ctypes.sh:

"that's disgusting"

"this has got to stop"

"you've gone too far with this"

"is this a joke?"

"I never knew the c could stand for Cthulhu."

This made me giggle.

And after the exec, if they asked me to parse a Python expression, I'd type "eval(expr)".

It's funny, because at university, you would be assessed (perhaps) on such a question, and you would not be allowed to use these things! And yet, in "real life", this is exactly how you'd go about accomplishing the task.

Or even:

import code


# https://docs.python.org/3/library/code.html

Heh! But for real, though. Then you have a repl with access to all the functions in the os module. You can glob files to iterate over /proc. You can send signals. You can open network connections. As far as emergency shells go, you could do far, far worse.

Edit: also, all valid JSON is valid Python. Do not `eval(input_data)` in prod or I will haunt you. But, in an emergency…

Oh, I know about the security issues with eval.

My example was just as a joke.

For real use, I would only use it with my own trusted input.

I mean realistically speaking: If I can do `foo = <paste>`, check `typeof(foo)`. and output foo again to double-check what the REPL thinks foo contains, then I'm pretty safe to `eval(foo)`.

Sure, you could fake it with custom objects and all of that, but not when I'm pasting a string value into a REPL. If you had hijacked my workstation, shell or the remote python to the point you can exploit that... Yeah. I don't think you'd need me as a user then anymore.

I'd probably just reboot the machine, honestly. You'll be back up and running faster than spending time in a hobbled environment hunting down and killing the parent processes. And if you're out of PIDs probably a lot of other things are in a bad state. Just start clean.

About as minimal as you can get with pids and command names:

ps(){ (cd /proc;for i in [0-9]*;do echo $i: $(tr '\0' ' ' < $i/cmdline);done); }

That forks twice for every iteration of the loop, though: once for the subshell, and again to run `tr`.


  ps() { for i in /proc/[0-9]*; do readarray -d '' -t cmdline < "$i/cmdline"; printf "%s: %s\n" "${i#/proc/}" "${cmdline[*]}"; done; }

> I'd look in the /proc/[pid]/ filesystem for visibility into what processes are exhausting the PID space.

From the source code:

    # so initially i was hoping you could get everything from /proc/<pid>/status
    # because it's easy to parse (in most cases) but apparently you can't get
    # things like the cpu% :(

You can calculate a cpu% from the tick information (uticks,kticks,sticks) in /proc/[pid]/stat. I've done it once in a script after spending considerable time reading the manual of proc.

Specifically the issue here was that it's littered between `/proc/<pid>/stat{,us}` and then for some of the information you have to look in `/proc` itself for things like major number - driver mapping (for figuring out which TTY something is running on).

Realistically you can get a useful `ps` by catting/grepping `/proc/<pid>/status` for all the processes, but the goal here was to replicate exactly the output of procps `ps aux`. Except for the bugs in column alignment, she fixed those intentionally.

Re sub processes, genuinely curious, how do

   [[ $cmdline ]] && exec {cmdline}>&-

  exec {cmdline}< "$dir"/cmdline || continue

This is actually in the POSIX standard for the shell.

"The redirection operator:


"shall duplicate one output file descriptor from another, or shall close one. If word evaluates to one or more digits, the file descriptor denoted by n, or standard output if n is not specified, shall be made to be a copy of the file descriptor denoted by word; if the digits in word do not represent a file descriptor already open for output, a redirection error shall result; see Consequences of Shell Errors. If word evaluates to '-', file descriptor n, or standard output if n is not specified, is closed. Attempts to close a file descriptor that is not open shall not constitute an error. If word evaluates to something else, the behavior is unspecified."


[[ is a keyword, and exec is a builtin. With the {name}< syntax, exec is opening a file descriptor and assigning it's numerical value to $name, and {name}>&- closes it

> I'd look in the /proc/[pid]/ filesystem

    cd /proc
    echo *

Argument list too long


'echo' is a shell builtin. argv[] length restrictions only apply to exec. it's the same reason the script works, which uses more or less the same technique, only in a 'for' loop, which, is also builtin.

even if it were an issue.. say on a terminal without working scrollback.. you can just as easily:

    echo 1*
and so forth.

echo 1*; echo 2*; ...

Break it into tenths (ninths, maybe, with no leading zeroes?), or finer granularity if necessary.

The argument list isn't nearly as constrained as it was a decade ago. "echo {00000001..10000000}" works in bash on most modern distros where shells on earlier systems would have choked on a tiny ARG_MAX.

That was my first idea too, slightly hindered by the fact I couldn't remember where it actually stored that on the fs.

Second idea was `sudo reboot now`

sudo forks at least once (bash spawns /usr/bin/sudo), but also will fork to execute the command if logging is enabled (see the manual page for sudo(8)).

you can `exec sudo` but this will hose you if it tries to fork (because now you've lost your bash).

ssh back in as root then `restart now`

If you're out of pids, you can't ssh back in (though this raises the question of how you ssh'd in in the first place). And hopefully you have root ssh logins disabled.

But I think a prerequisite is that you already have a root shell; some systems don't allow accessing all of /proc unless you're root, and if you figure out what process is exhausting all your pids and want to kill it, you probably need to be root to do that, unless you're very lucky and that process happens to be running under your regular user account.

At any rate, you'd need to `exec restart now`, because just `restart now` would try to fork. (Also, there's no `restart` command; I think you meant `reboot`, and it doesn't need arguments. `shutdown -r now` would also do it.)

Would exiting the ssh session not free up the pid again? Also yes, I meant `reboot` not `restart`, and I always forget its only shutdown that needs the `now`, not reboot

not if something is gobbling up PIDs. that's literally the hypothetical, which you have completely ignored

Here's >100 of them in the past ~8 months:


Where can I find a list for all OSes? I’d assume such a list would have known issues with X11 etc. I want to ensure it’s not a case of surviviorship bias.

I don't think there is one... macOS doesn't have enough functionality-breaking updates to make a significant list, and Linux/BSD-based distros generally do cleanly segmented updates to individual apps and services rather than Microsoft's great big monolithic all-or-nothing OS update bundles that touch on dozens of services at the same time.

Here’s a quick 2 minute search on Google for each.

- https://www.macworld.com/article/671831/macos-wont-install-f...

- https://askubuntu.com/questions/1231849/how-to-fix-update-pr...

My own anecdote: When I got my M3 Pro in April and had to start afresh, it was stuck in a restart loop and had to take it to the Genius Bar; they asked me to answer ‘no’ to some question that I was answering differently. That was it. I have no idea on the root cause or why it was fixed this way. I don’t remember the exact screen where the answer was supposed to be different.

> how often are big eruptions followed by even bigger eruptions?

Quite often, I'd say.

Disruptions in the stability of geological processes frequently have a compounding domino effect... a volcanic eruption is often preceded by the opening of smaller vents, small landslides can trigger large landslides, small sinkholes can suddenly develop large ones, a trickle over a levee can turn into a total breach, most M>7.0 earthquakes have foreshocks...

You can't tell where the peak severity will be in a cluster of geological events except in hindsight after the entire cluster is passed.

$* will break on directory names containing spaces and other bash "word" delimiters, use "$@":

    cd() { builtin cd "$@" && ls; }

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