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hardware prefetching mechanism is in core i7 that i know for sure, it automatically identify memory referencing pattern and attempts to fetch those blocks into cache before they are accessed, the detailed algorithm of prefetching are not documented...

i am really curious suppose i have machine X everything configured and i have a new machine Y same architecture(let 64bit) can i port from one two another.

I am wondering if it would be as easy as doing a dd from the old disk to an external an then to an extended partition in the new machine HD...

You could if the new machine was very similar to the old one. In practice, the new hardware is better in some ways, so just copying everything will either not work at all or only work sub-optimally.

OTOH, your personal application configuration files (editor, window manager, etc.) can nearly always be copied as-is without causing any problems. Some people have been copying the same .emacs from machine to machine for years, if not decades, upgrading Emacs all the while.

if they buy autonomy($10 billion) then they are definitely in enterprise solutions.

what i think lawyers and justice departments want patent war to go on as it will profit them, and this people are very powerful they know the laws inside out. Lawmakers or the congress will not pass any legislation to curb this problem as it profit many people its a money making pot. so the patent war will go on as usual and google or any other company will have to take concrete steps to shield themself.

Took me a while, but this is 2010's.

a game within a game that's impresive. but going dipper then 2 level is quite impossible!!

as clojure runs on JVM so is there is any string attached to the language whose other end is with the Oracle in any crazy manner imaginable? after the google vs oracle patent case i am really afraid of java. what is the point of open source java if there are patent issue which can come and get you.

IANAL, but i believe that as long as you don't try to implement your own JVM, you're safe from lawsuits. Imagine that Microsoft sues some Linux company because of some windows patents(didn't they actually do that?), would that stop you from using either Linux or Windows?

all those components come with drivers provider by the vendor of that component for windows(mostly) machine only. Linux doing a great job catching on all those components but the thing is linux is mostly behind. if Vendors helps linux community a little we should be going hand in hand.

Every vendor publishes their own buggy version of drivers for what is essentially the same hardware, all neatly packaged with some buggy "value added" crapware that introduces new and unpredictable behaviour mom has to deal with.

No. I really prefer the Linux way.

the interface of the comment page should be more friendlier/organised. the reply comments should be folded/hidden so that if we like the comment and want to see what other people reply to this awesome/crappy comment i can do that by clicking a button and all the reply will be shown, everything should not be visible since it is very time consuming if there are more comments on a topic.

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