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I don't know...my spidey sense has been going off a bit.

Kagi has a free trial, but you have to pay, which is the difference between it and early Google.

Of course, now we have Google ads instead, so who knows, maybe not bots.

Go check my history. Send me a mail and I'll send a photo of the fields and the wind breaks here that you can geolocate.

I am definitely not a bot.

I am however extremely fed up with Google. And equally thankful that I have found something that works as well as old Google (or better).

Exactly! It's so frustrating because the results were usually useful enough to at least point me in the right direction or help me figure out what I was doing wrong to find what I wanted.

If a company sends me a take-home, they aren't getting it back any less than 24 hours later. I prefer if I can open it, read it and then come back to it later.

I hate it when I have to immediately open it and finish it, like a timed coding test, although I don't bother with those because I don't think I've ever passed one...

This. Email is async. I don't have notifications set up for email. I go over private email once a day. Yes even when interviewing this would only be something like once every few hours.

We can set up a time at which you will send me the take home in advance of course. Like "we will send this to you Friday around 6p.m." coz I told you that this is when I will have time for it.

You send it to me 1:37pm on a Wednesday? Forget it. I am working during that time so I won't see your email and even if I did I have no time for it. I'm working.

In the past I've even written a quick batch file to change all of the creation and modification time stamps for all files to the exact same time where they wanted a zip file. As well as setting the date and time of the git commit to a time before they sent me the take home where they wanted me to commit something to a repo.

It either goes completely unnoticed and that's fine or it makes for a nice technical convo. Meaning if someone notices and talks to me about it it would make it more likely for me to accept an offer because they have people working there already that know and understand such technical details and find them fun too. Vs. most where they would be in shock and awe how such a thing is even possible.

I think I've come across this bot on reddit before. I read a lot of skincare-related subreddits and people talk about their routine and 'holy grail' products...so that seems like an appealing place for this type of thing to infest.

It wasn't quite obvious marketer-speak, but certain comments have just seemed like not quite the way a regular commenter would word things.

I figured it was regular humans doing it though. Sigh...

It’s hard to tell because the small communities have their own newspeak which seems weird to outsiders.

As someone with ADHD, I concur.

But, like, why don't you just stop getting distracted? Have you ever tried that?

I can't believe how terrible product search is on Instacart - I place orders on there pretty frequently for my mom, and Petco is the worst.

I will search for "wellness chicken cat food" - and wellness has chicken cat food in a few different textures, so it seems like those should at least be on the page of search results, if not the top results. Not always so! At the very least I will have to scroll a ways down the page to get anything even wellness.

And sometimes the top results aren't even cat food, they will be random other pet supplies.

Or she wants a few different flavors of the food, and I find one and then the other flavors I have to search a few different ways to pull them up and they don't show up on any "similar" displays.

It's painful. I hope Google doesn't go the same way - I think with Instacart it's because they want to promote whatever it is they put at the top, but even that doesn't explain how terrible some of the search results are.

I just think wellness aside you should get other food than cat food for your mom.

Meijer (grocery store) is the same. Until a short while ago, you even had to match the capitalization of the product you were searching for. And we are not even talking about different writings of the same Unicode characters (ê etc.) with different bytes.

I've always suspected that this was the real reason for the leetcode interviews.

I think it has to do with her views on math being related to her other creative interests - saying you could compare a mathematical theorem to a poem, for example.

Also, where she talks about how she sits and works at a computer but that's not where the real work happens. The real work can happen when she's doing something that allows her mind to wander, like cleaning, but her mind is still working in the background.

Sounds like a creative process to me.

Isn't that what the tracking stuff is supposed to track? Measure things like how 'annoyed' people get by bounce rate and whatever other relevant metrics.

Yes, but how do you determin the actual reason for a bounce? The test would need to have all the same starting conditions and then let some users have a better performing version or something like that. But at that point one would probably rollout the better performing version anyway. Maybe artificially worsen the performance and observe how the metrics change. And then it is questionable, whether the same amount by which performance decreased would have the same effect in reverse, if the performance increased by that amount. Maybe up to a certain point? In general probably not. In general it is difficult, because changing things to perform better is usually accompanied by visual and functionality changes as well.

Add a 500ms delay for group A and compare to group B who don't have the delay. After a week of this compare the sales figures.

I doubt a company would be willing to deliberately risk losing sales by testing a worse version. AB tests are great in theory, but in practice, to test the current slow system against a faster one, you have to do the optimization work which the test is supposed to justify. That’s why AB testing is often used for quick wins, pricing points or purchase flows, but rarely the big costly questions.

Surveys could be used to explain the bounce rate, but getting feedback from people who leave is one of the hardest the recruit well for. Usability tests could help with that though.

I wonder if that's why I can't change my password with petco - every time I shop there they tell me I have rewards but I can't load them because the site errors out when I try to reset my password.

I used to be able to load the rewards to my account without logging in at all, just clicked the link in my email, but I guess they fixed that and then I realized I didn't know my password.

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