That's only because the kernel tells the userland to reboot. If the kernel is compromised, they can stop it from telling userland to reboot and stop the kernel panicing.
Not specific to "after a heart attack" but IME while both are important Sleep is much more important than Exercise.
Anecdata: I spent a decade as caregiver/caretaker for my late Mother who refused to do any exercises except the absolute necessary ones which a doctor would ask her to do for a specific cause eg. back pain, breathing exercises etc. As soon as that symptom alleviated she would abandon the exercises. So i encouraged her to take long naps whenever she felt sleepy and it helped keep her mental faculties sharp and physically feel spry (within limits of course).
Your jacket deserves justice! I left a post it note above a doorway in an old office about 15 years ago on my last day. I ask friends who still work there and it’s still there today!