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Yes, I 100% agree. Adding that sort of information to the homepage is definitely on my list. Thanks for the feedback.

This is an app I built during the pandemic to help me stay organized while homeschooling my kids. The API is Ruby on Rails and the frontend is written in NuxtJS. I had it just in Vue originally but Google didn't like to executing the JS so I rewrote it in Nuxt. I'd love to hear some critique from you all.

Find a good team that'll let you work as an apprentice. You'll learn more in a month from a good team than you will in a year trying to go it alone. If you really want to do it yourself, the hardest part most new Rails devs face is building tests. If you focus on understanding how to build quality tests, the rest will just fall into place as you progress. The tests will help you keep your hands around the entire application as it grows in complexity and also help you build better code. Find some popular new open source Rails apps and sift through how they're handling routes. How do they organize their controller code? How do they build their models? Learning from someone else is always the best approach though. Find yourself a good team you can learn from and you'll save yourself a DIY headache.

Rails and everything in between

I had the exact same thing happen to me. One of many reasons why I've not only stopped using GoDaddy for myself but also why I've decided to REFUSE to work with them for my clients. If my clients use GoDaddy, they can either get off GoDaddy or find another developer. Sometimes you have to force morality upon those without. :P

I've done adult sites. Check out my portfolio.


But where would the business incentive be for the app writers? If they can't spy on you for later extortion techniques, how will they make money?

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