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Seems pretty cool. You should chuck a screenshot or two up at the top of the README

You could say that about any game engine. Are you suggesting Bevy should try and not optimise performance because perf and fun are not correlated?

I'm saying that making it easy to experiment with different gameplay mechanics is far more important than making it the most efficient. Even more so in case of small studios.

I'm not an expert by any means but there are some papers exploring this using category theory.

It's amazing how powerful and clean Postman and Insomnia both felt when they were young and followed such similar trajectories into bloat and UI-unfriendliness hell.

Can anyone explain the use of ptrdiff_t instead of size_t (he has typedef'd "size" for ptrdiff_t) The macros are wrapping _Alignof and sizeof both which can't return non-zero numbers I thought.

ptrdiff_t is a signed integer type - which means you can subtract these numbers without worrying about underflow

I don't really understand why these kind of posts make it to the top page of HackerNews. Perhaps there is a bigger audience for this than you would think?

There's occasionally a weird undercurrent on this site which flirts with alt-right conspiracy theories. Partly because Hacker News attracts the kind of person who wants to show off how intelligent he* is, and those people easily fall prey to this kind of nonsense.

(I try to remind myself that I'm not immune to many of the same thought traps, though I'm unlikely to ever go alt right. As I age, I move ever more leftwards.)

* Usually.

You sound perhaps a little naive.

From a European's perspective, we have times where everything is going very much to the left, so naturally the right wing will grow. There will be a balance, but more and more I see that what is called the right wing is the former centrism. That kind of right wing has to emerge for there to be a balance. And it is to the benefit of those who try to divide groups into smaller ones. I don't know which conspiracy theories you are talking about, but I myself watch with interest how efficiently they introduce some of them, in various ways.

What you are describing ("demonstrating intelligence") is low self-esteem & narcissism. Howling ego in space, as a counterbalance to an understated self-esteem. And it is more common on the left. Where there are the most parasites. On the principle of playing the victim, simply, so give me something, because I deserve it. All those amulets, prepositions. The left is more prone to creating its own false world, rather than aligning itself with the real one. And this is something you can act on and make money from. They have a hard life with themselves anyway, and to others they are just emotional vampires.

When someone is intelligent, they don't f around with things that you can see they're tryharding for. Because it is not intelligent. Truly intelligent people have no need to prove their intelligence to others, they even often don't want to. They are lazy and they know they are intelligent, so they won't waste their energy explaining things to people who can't see. They know they are right and they pathetically observe the downside of commenting on controversial topics.

All in all, from the perspective from a centrist in Europe, I think it's very good that such currents are appearing on the site and do what you want with it. Because an intelligent person will rarely want to explain to moron that he is a moron, therefore he should not vote because he will harm us all. Unless he sees the potential, which is again - quite naive.

You think it's good that nonsensical bigoted conspiracy theories have a foothold here? Why?

This looks really useful! I've just started working on a (mostly pedagogical) little project making a chat server/client in C and started reading through Beej's guide to networking which is great for the fundamentals but I was struggling with deciding how I want to structure my larger code in terms of sockets, clients, multiplexing, etc. I may just end up using your library if it fits (after reading through it some more), else take inspiration from it at the very least.


If your goal is learning yourself, I guess you should really implement your stuff down on the system API level (using sockets and so on) ;)

If, OTOH, you want to get up some simple/small service quickly, I hope "poser" can help. I'm not sure the docs are already "good enough" (it's still a very young project ...) -- there's also a real example using it here: https://github.com/Zirias/tlsc/blob/master/src/bin/tlsc/tlsc...

I've only just dipped my toes into Elixir and Phoenix but so far really loving it. I feel like I've noticed it popping up on here way more often lately or is that just the ol' frequency bias kicking in?

Perhaps a bit of both? There's been a bump in Elixir posts in the last year or two, which is awesome given that the hype cycle has died down now that the language has been stable for a few years.

There's been a lot of development in the Elixir ecosystem and so a lot to share.

Embedded with Nerves, the various AI/ML libraries and tooling, LiveBook getting better every day, LiveView innovating and improving DevEx, etc..

Then there's fly.io pushing out content given their target market is developers and they have a big focus on deploying Elixir applications.

> frequency bias

aka Baader-Meinhof phenomenon

(since I learned about it, it keeps popping up everywhere)

I see what you are doing there. I'm actually seeing it more and more lately

I'm not very familiar with Nix but Dune is a build system not a dependency manager. You would need it regardless.

Nix is a build system + dependency manager. So wouldn't that cover the use case? I know some packages use a Makefile with ocamlbuild or the like. I want less moving parts and less things to learn if I can.

While it might be possible, it's not very practical.

The original Nix thesis [0] talks about using Nix as a low-level build system in Chapter 10.1. And the author of opam-nix* has made an attempt to use Nix as a build system [1]. However, dune is a complicated bit of software that's not easy to replicate, and Nix isn't particularly well suited to the task.

[0] https://edolstra.github.io/pubs/phd-thesis.pdf

[1] https://gitlab.com/balsoft/tumbleweed

*Which is essentially functionality to use Nix as a dependency manger with opam-repository.

I see nix as a partial build system. It’s a more evolved makefile that will call bash scripts or other build systems to really build things in different languages. For OCaml you’ll need dune to build your projects, and that’s what nix will end up calling after setting the dependencies for you.

How would you provide incremental per-module compilation for your Nix derivation of the app?

I don't know; that's why I'm asking. Maybe buildOpamPackage already does it? https://github.com/tweag/opam-nix#buildOpamProject There's a buildDunePackage in the same region of the docs that runs `dune build` but that to me implies that dune is not needed(?). I haven't read too much into the project yet. The example (https://github.com/tweag/opam-nix/blob/4bb1a4c372f639f44fc67...) would indicate that everything is configured from just the ${PROJECT}.opam file, but I don't have enough info on the toolchain to know if it's incremental per module or what... or if ocamlfind more complicated to work with than dune.

It does run `dune build`, but the unit of persistence within Nix is defined as `buildDunePackage`, i.e. the Nix store will only know about the package rather than individual modules and a change in a single module will cause a cascading rebuild of the entire package to update the nix store.

There are tools out there for other languages that _can_ handle incremental & per-modules builds, such as purs-nix for PureScript, so if opam-nix doesn't now, I'm sure it will in the future as a lot of projects are asking for this feature.

> what does dune actually offer me if I’m using Nix to manage dependencies already?

purs-nix is a good example that even if per-module compilation is made into derivations, the rest of the remaining heavy-lifting of constraints resolution is done by the external build tool. You can think of Nix as a dependency manager, but only with a huge caveat that it doesn't actually manage constraints that come with those dependencies, especially transitive ones.

That's a good read but I'm still unclear on dune vs. ocamlfind/ocamlopt. Is dune not using those under the covers like Nix could?

While you can _build_ OCaml projects without Dune (although I wouldn't want to do that), _editing_ OCaml code I wouldn't recommend, as the OCaml-LSP depends on dune. If you're an Emacs user: Merlin AFAIK doesn't need dune.

I see. I wasn't aware that Nix was a build system and probably should have investigated a bit more before responding. Truthfully I don't use OCaml professionally but just in a hobby capacity. I believe you could roll your own using Make but the compiler invocations (which you can get dune to spit out if you want) become more complex over time the more features you add like PPXs, or `ctypes`, and unit testing, the more time you will save by using dune. tl;dr running ocamlopt directly works but will become cumbersome the bigger the project becomes

That’s still great feedback though—especially when you mention PPX support which is pretty common.

Is there a way to have tabs at the top of the browser? I like that about Chrome on my tablet, I can just hit the tabs at the top to swap, whereas on Firefox you need to hit the Tabs icon at the top right that brings up the switcher, then find the one you want and click that.

You can swipe over the address bar to switch tabs like you can switch apps by swiping across the bottom of the screen. Maybe this helps?

Did you even try looking? Settings > Customize > Toolbar. The settings list is not long on Fx mobile and the ability to change the position has been there since the day of the UI refresh.

The question was not about bottom vs top, iiuc. It was about having the tabs always visible vs behind a tab button. As far as I can see, there is no way of doing that.

Not that I would want it, myself, since my current counter is 48 tabs and I don't want a bunch more hit regions when I'm thumb-browsing.

It appears I did miss a part of the question. My tab count is ∞ because I'm over 99 and tabs are unloaded. At that rate, if I were on a tablet or something, I'd prefer access to TreeStyleTabs or the like anyhow because horizontal becomes a squished mess. I assume the ctrl+tab as well as alt+{1-9} shortcuts still work.

I'm not sure you read the whole question.

No, not since the phone-only-ui release. Vivaldi's quite decent though.

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