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Press the Escape key on your keyboard to regain mouse control

On Desktop, Ctrl-l works for focussing on the "location" input, too.

For anybody wanting to achieve the same effect while using the official HN site, you can use the following as a custom user style:

  tr.athing + tr {display: none;}
This will just turn the home page in to a list of links, without any of the links for comments, upvote counts, etc. on each item.

Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/MSsblMm.png

You can also use your adblocker (e.g. ublock origin) and specify a custom rule to remove the comments.

That's what I do to remove the YouTube front page.

I did the same to remove youtube comments, they are incredibly rarely interesting and I hate the bile catching my eye even accidently.

Do you remove the whole frontpage?

I mostly use it to remove unwanted sections, like the "posts by youtubers" thing. No I am not interested in what you ate for breakfast, or if you think your video did worse than usual.

I just remove the unwanted parts because there are some interesting stuff on the front page such as settings, account, saved videos, subscriptions...

I cut off some fat from YouTube with Stylus, but I guess an ad blocker might work too (and maybe even prevent some requests from being made).

I've tweaked this to allow for the comments/favourite/etc. to show after you stop moving your mouse for a while:

  tr.athing + tr { opacity: 0; }

  tr.athing:hover + tr,
  tr.athing + tr:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 2.3333s cubic-bezier(1.000, 0.005, 1.000, -0.500); }

Yeah, no need for Go or anything server-side for this.

But also, an annoying aspect of HN's design is that the markup lacks semantic classes and is thus difficult to amend with CSS.

Thanks! I quite like the way that looks :)

I would guess that it would be because Notion is mostly designed to be used as a personal note-taking/todo/trello app (which it's great at!)

Though it's possible to "publish" or share your notes it doesn't look like a well designed use of the platform.

More irritatingly, Google's cache appears to have it available, but says "404" if you actually try to access the cached version (my usual workaround for these JS-only-app-sites.)

Though it's possible to "publish" or share your notes it doesn't look like a well designed use of the platform.

If you are actually editing the content then I agree that using JS makes sense and could be obligatory; but then, sharing/publishing content in what should obviously be a read-only form should really turn it into a static page. It'd save them some bandwidth too, given that readers really do not need all the functionality the JS has. (The app-*.js on that page is over 4MB!) Unfortunately common sense is not so common.

That's great! Do you have an enclosure design for the home consoles, perhaps a physical pico-8 style enclosure?

I'm also in the same boat as SmellyGeekBoy, and can attest the same. With the Oneplus rom I saw maybe 1.5 days of battery, with Lineage I often see 2-3 days.

This is completely anecdotal however, and it's likely that the reduced battery is down to having installed different/fewer apps on Lineage.

Switching to Firefox Focus [1] is probably a better solution -- it's Webkit/Blink under the hood, but blocks ads/trackers and doesn't maintain a browser history.

[1] https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/focus/

From my look at the Focus source, it's not Webkit/Blink on Android.

Sounds like more of a complaint of informal instant messaging in general, rather than a problem specifically attributed to Slack.

Slack has it's problems, but it also has it's place.

For the Slack teams I'm a member of, we've got rules about using @channel and @here, and anybody that uses either is usually shamed to some extent if they do so.

For the complaint about the use of Electron (and all of that overhead), it's trivial for a Slack team to enable the IRC gateway (in /admin/settings#gateways) and connect through your preferred IRC client.

mdo says it's the first of many "iterative design changes"[1]

[1]: https://twitter.com/mdo/status/830138373230653440

It's pretty powerful stuff, though I'm sort of leaning towards the idea of "how much is too much in the web browser?".

I've been playing with some Web Bluetooth enabled things lately, namely the "Puck.js"[1] piece of Espruino[2] hardware and it's Web Bluetooth browser-based IDE[3].

The browser-based controls for device discovery (in Chrome at-least) are quite nice/intuitive.

[1] http://www.puck-js.com/ [2] http://www.espruino.com/ [3] https://www.espruino.com/ide/

Hopefully when it ships it'll be more than an Android phone and some 3D-printed ABS...


Am I the only one who looked at this and thought it was satire through and through? He effectively launched the one comma club? It had a little too many digs at other SV startups and companies, and references to the HBO show...

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