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It's not a big deal at all. We can use docker.

why I'm downvoted. I'm not php hater :\

Wow it's fun, what game engine this game use?

Seems to be Three.js :)

At first I was planning to make HNChan render using SSR method, but the HN API is using firebase, it's a bit complicated to render nested children.

Routify framework makes this easy with Svelte

haha HN actually is an old-reddit-style

It's time to decentralized Gmail, Youtube, and Google Docs, maybe their Search Engine too.

That's what it was 15 years back. I was slightly concerned when Google Mail and Chat were integrated. Look where we are now.

Right from "The battle of the red cliffs", we will never learn the disadvantage of lashing too many boats together.

But our tech right now is far more advanced than 15 years ago.

We have IPFS, Blockchain, dat protocol today. I think it's possible to kill the giants.

Even, Tim Berners-Lee want to decentralized the web: https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/09/tim-berners-lee-is-on-a-mi...

Even? Tim Berners-Lee tried since day 0 to make the web decentralized. One of the initial requirements in the 1989 proposal for a global hypertext system included "Non-Centralisation" where "new system must allow existing systems to be linked together without requiring any central control or coordination". See https://www.w3.org/History/1989/proposal.html for the rest.

While it went OK-ish for the internet, we massively screwed it up for the web.

No we didn't. The web is very nicely decentralised, especially with the general malaise and decline of Facebook.

What isn't decentralised is web apps but TBL never intended the web to be used for full blown desktop app replacements in the first place so no surprise it doesn't meet its design goals for that.

Have you tried NextJS or Gatsby?

Gatsby and its magic comes no where near Hugo, hugo is basically just select the theme and write markdown Gatsby and its quirks, are just too heavy. I would rather suggest Next.js.

Yep, Next.js export build to static HTML is pretty impressive.

I made this framework about months ago, when I had time playing with Deno https://github.com/oknoorap/jurassic

Good job! I like the simplicity in it.

Interesting alternative for Deno. I'll be waiting Olaf and Anna engine to come out.

maybe this down caused by cloud migration from AWS to Azure?

I've been using tailwindcss, it's pretty impressive.

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