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While I agree with you I really don't understand what this has to do with Apple. Apple didn't even get mentioned by the author of article.

What is that people try to mention Apple in every situation?

Foxconn is the company which manufactures iPhones, etc. If they're using forced labor for Sony products, they're probably using forced labor for Apple products as well.

sorry, the "/Apple" was because other comments mention Foxconn and Apple, and then it turns into a generalised rant about Apple because people love to hate them. My point was that what hooks us into the story is Sony and PS4, but the reality is that Sony are probably well removed from what's happening, and the real story is corruption between a university, foxconn and some local government.

It could be way more popular if these wouldn't be called 'condoms'. Some people can get offended and wont buy it even if it would be useful.

Just my 2 cents.

Why would someone be offended by the word "condom" ?

the USB Condoms nomenclature is likely the reason it is getting exposure. For a first run, I'd say it was definitely successful considering its sold out. But you're right, retail would probably suggest a name change.

USB prophylactics?

USB Data Isolator.

This is genius!

I don't use Windows and I also don't use Google Drive but why on earth does it crash so often?

I honestly have no idea, but I can confirm it. I uninstalled Google Drive on my Windows 7 machine and never bothered to install it on my Windows 8 machine since it was basically unusable. It worked fine for several month and then one day it just started crashing within minutes of me logging in.

Google Drive does crash a lot, but Firefox crashes more (for me anyway).

This is one of the reasons Why left the programming community. People are not thankful. Even if you release a great idea - with obviously _not_ the best code - the one thing you get is criticism. Maybe also the words that "you are the worst programmer on earth" following the words that "you put your family in such a shame".

You know what programmers think because of such comments? "My code is so bad I can't release it. Even if the idea is good." And this Sir helps no-one.

Stop this shit.

> You know what programmers think because of such comments? "My code is so bad I can't release it. Even if the idea is good." And this Sir helps no-one.

I agree. This has even stopped me from __starting__ a few FOSS projects I've wanted to develop.

Out of curiosity, what do you do now?

That's why I write it _why, as it's unambiguous (and well, "_why".camelize him?)

Thank you, my bad, I misread

I don't mean to be that guy but it's called Windows Marketplace not Windows App Store.

No, it's called the Windows Store

Turkey is very interesting in such things. I live in Germany and my parents live in Turkey. No bank in Germany would even think about such things but in I can't shake off the feeling that they just do it. Another cool thing my cousins told me is that they can send each other cash from mobile phone to mobile phone. Say I don't have money on my prepaid card and my friends have enough and don't use it, they just can send couple of bucks to my phone.

I mean I don't use a prepaid card but I think it is awesome! As a student this is a great option!

I hope we see more of this kind of rule breaking things from around the world. Sometimes it feels like the people in the world are getting more and more afraid of change which breaks "common rules". Money transferring is one such crazy issue.

In a similar note, Africa; (especially Kenya) have wonderful services with mobile payments, SMS services and Facebook too.

There is no phone which has everything you need. Everyone has different aspects of things. Maybe the iPhone doesn't fit you. Why don't you buy an WP7/8 if it has those features?

I don't understand what this discussing is helping. It doesn't have one and I'm pretty sure it will never have a dedicated button. I can understand why Apple is not going the way others are going. This is a phone not a dedicated camera, so why would you mix these things? I know the camera these days are pretty good and a lot of people are using only their phones to point-and-shot but I think it would and it is (on different phones) feels wrong to have dedicated button for camera.

This is all my opinion. Others do different views but this mine. I respect every other view.

Comparing the design of a toaster with the Mac Pro design is not the same thing as comparing the design of a standalone PC with a standalone Mac. Especially if the company who copies had much different design before "everyone started copying Apple".

Inspiration is one thing but copying even the keyboard, mouse and the trackpad is a bit too much, don't you think? PC makers seem so desperate at the moment...

Apple took a design that was made 40 years ago and used it in their products. Ofcourse, Apple is not in radio or toaster business. It may be correct from the eye of a lawyer. But, if you show both these designs to someone who is neither affiliated apple or technology what would they think? It looks like a blatant copy to me. I'm pretty sure a lot of people would agree. We should not confuse good marketing with innovation.

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