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Should probably be merged with: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22384754

I don't recall GHC development ever being on GitHub? Most I can find is a mirror at https://github.com/ghc/ghc.

edit: Title has been changed.

thx, fixed the title

This was very enlightening for me, thank you!

Really glad to hear that!

Make me wonder...

Is there anything like TypeScript or MoonScript for PHP? A source-to-source language that tries to mitigate the quirks and issues with the target language.

Just pick a better language (e.g. Python/Ruby/Groovy/C#). Period. And JavaScript was never as horrible as PHP anyway, in my opinion.

The thing is, you have more control over what language you can run on the server-side, whereas all your web browser clients run JavaScript. So it made sense to have a transpiler targeting JavaScript.

I wasn't trying to credit the language. Just curious about the state of the ecosystem.

I had the displeasure of PHP being the first "programming language" I came across. Most of my knowledge was gleaned from w3schools and various web pages scattered around the web. I recall doing a lot of Googling while trying to figure out edge cases and such.

But mostly the language picked for a system is a well-used legacy language (e.g. Java / C / Befunge / Cobol ) chosen by a business manager.

The tests are written in Perl and are invoked by Nix's build tools. You can skim the API at https://nixos.org/nixos/manual/#sec-nixos-tests

In this case, the test makes use of both xdotool and Nix's own testing library.

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