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That’s talking about herd immunity from vaccines. OP is talking about herd immunity from natural infection. So your links don’t invalidate the point, considering Israel research just proved that natural immunity is 13x more effective against Delta than Pfizer mRNA

......? Herd immunity is herd immunity. It doesn't matter what caused it.

Natural immunity is great, but most people clearly don't have and won't get natural immunity. Having had COVID-19 already also does not make you later immune, to any variant. You can get it again and spread it again. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/can-you-get-covid-19-more...

Have a link handy about the 13x research? Not doubting, just want to read more about it as I hadn't seen that one yet!

Why did you have 1M in CDs in the first place?

I already had a bunch in stocks, so having a portion of my money in CD's made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

Are there any inflation protected CD's ? I know of TIPS from my time on a trading desk that was a few rows away from the inflation desk, but curious if there are any retail products like a CD with some level of inflation protection

I Bonds are the closest thing I can think of.

I’m sorry and you’re right, it’s not your fault. But that doesn’t disregard what the person you were replying to was saying. The government has not encouraged taking vitamins or exercise. In Colorado they banned people from going hiking in national forests, state parks, etc. Which is ironic given that’s a great way to socially distance

This is common with window protection (wood) in hurricane states

If they aren’t universally against all vaccines, then why is the term “anti-vaxxer” applied in deragatory ways? I was under the impression it meant they were afraid of all

Portions of what you mentioned seem like reasonable concerns to the average layperson

> 8 billion people waking up every day. And all they do is seeking social relevance,

No they don’t. Most of this earth is seeking food and clean water and substance. You’re lucky enough to have that and seek your social relevance

> Most of this earth is seeking food and clean water and substance.

You are underestimating the intelligence of people in 3rd world countries.

They might be fighting violently to procure themselves those things, but in their mind there is always the thought of reaching a point when their social status is so high that they won't have to fight violently, but other people in the village would bring food and water to them as a sign of respect.

That's basically the sole reason for becoming a shaman or a sorcer

I sincerely recommend you go test your hypotheses out in the field.

Geez. I’m underestimating their intelligence? Have you visited the 3rd world? I have. Many times, and food+shelter is THE number one priority.

> Capitalism begets grifters as a matter of necessity.

While I don’t disagree, I expect there’s a substantially equivalent number of grifters under socialism as well

Yeah, this is a thing of human nature. I'm sure if we rolled back to ancient Greece we could find no shortage charlatan oracle-soothsayers who put on a good show but deep down knew they were blowing smoke.

Depending on how the system is constructed, there's less financial incentive for it. Sure, the political arena might have some, but in theory you're supposed to try to weed those people out through the party. Nonetheless, I don't think you can characterize capitalist politicians as anything other than grifters or war mongers.

In theory there is no difference between theory and practice.

It would be great if you people tried reading a history book for once. In particular, stories of people who believed these ideas were great and (despite a bunch of red flags) tried to act on that belief by immigrating to the Soviet Union in 1920s and 1930s, to help build the promised utopia. Spoiler alert: it doesn't end well for most of them.

Then the grift is to be a party hack and have the party arrange for a nice dacha for you, good schools for the kids.

of course, you don't hardly make anything, the party provides, in its benevolence!

edit: my point is that grifters show up in any particular structure. not to sling arrows at the USSR or the USA.

Not all incentives need be financial. Connections yield better schools, better housing, invitation to more cultural events, etc etc.

Congrats on retiring to what you want to do! What are your plans?

I have already accomplished a fair bit, on the "side work" that I did over the years.

I'm currently working with a nonprofit team, and developing an app, aimed at recovering drug addicts. I have some fairly relevant prior art in this field, having designed a worldwide infrastructure platform.

I noticed this too! Thought it was a random advertisement that I happened to receive in perfect irony. The irony is even richer since it’s being shown to everyone

Are other auto companies pursuing in-home batteries like Tesla? I’m hoping for more competition in the Powerwall space

Generac and Enphase are in that space, I’m pretty sure there are more too

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