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My company provided Dell Precision 5750 i7-10875H 8core, 4K, is a beauty beast from the specs and looks.

However I HATE IT with a PASSION because there is no way to make it quiet as it is LOUD!?

In my opinion the whole thermal managing team should be fired as incompetent and I speak from my indepth knowledge of working for Intel in a central Arch team in the past. I even meet a number of Dell key people presenting them what is coming and shared best practices how to do each part of the design. They used to do decent job before, but now seems incompetence has won. I am sure there are still lots of good engineers and people there, but result-wise team that did thermal management on 5750 SUCKS TO HEAVEN! In 5750 there is massive cooler, yet fans start going loud (mid-jet sound) when any audio conferencing or any ~5% CPU only load happens and CPU temperature is still well below 50C most of the time, yet this junk goes Wuuuhuhuuuuuusshshshshsss ALL OF THE TIME with rare bit quieter moments! I tried all setting such as Quiet in BIOS and in Dell Power Manager and no setting can help, just make it worse. CPU is 45W TDP one of a later gens. On top of all of the misery with this laptop, in BIOS they locked control of voltages, so ThrottleStop can not work!!! So they can "protect us" from Plundervolt, how ironical. There is no known bypass :-( I also tried turning off different number of cores and turbo, etc, nothing worked well enough. The only point when it started be more quiet for longer periods is when I left it with 2 active cores, turned off turbo, but that makes this machine stupidly slow!

For god's sake, add if needed in BIOS option to disable dGPU and add "real Quiet" option that will make it lower TDP or whatever. Please ease off temperature thresholds as keeping it below 50C to start ramping fans to mid-jet-sound is RIDICULOUS, as with this massive cooler you can comfortably have thresholds ~70C or so and even allow undervolting.

I ended up using it as a "decoration" and still use my personal T460p which has 6th gen i7 45W TDP CPU + dGPU, but BIOS still allows ThrottleStop and even without it T460p is waaaay more quiet than 5750, but with ThrottleStop nice stable setting I got it to whisper quiet and even faster.

I contacted Dell on their forums but their arrogance seem not to allow them to do anything, but leave it as is! Sick situation and now I have to live with 5750 at my work next ~2.5y until next refresh and one thing is certain Dell NEVER AGAIN! I'll keep sharing this experience everywhere as this really made my life miserable. The only thing that can change that is that Dell either fixes this problem with public apology and/or fires the responsible team.

Signal would either have to go to China or Russia (where it would dance to their tune) or shut down or quietly comply.

It would be "NoSignal" from this Act on.

because the only countries in existence are USA, China, and Russia.

Russia already has a similar law since 2016, although it's applied selectively to whomever they please rather than to everyone by default. And the guise of the day is terrorism, not child abuse.

When you guys were surprised about Room 641A, Russia already had warrantless surveillance boxes mandatory for every ISP by law.

I've no clue about China, but I'd be very surprised if they're not even worse in this regard.

Still yes US holds main strings. This act is about grabbing it all, so my high certainty prediction is that US would loose all it had. (read my longer post)

> my longer post

For the convenient clicker: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30298373

You're missing the point about this evil act. I'd also pick US as is now, but to summarize after this act US becomes greatest evil against all other and itself.

Shortest path to the 1st solution is often centralized, which is where we are now.

Decentralized design is the next TBD step which will follow together with defining how societies could better work with new form of decentralized direct democracies to maximize potential in each of us in a golden rule, maturely balanced way. Decentralized money will follow in new design forms too. I have lots of ideas and number of solutions to propose, but all that takes time and preferable evolution.

However, now we need to stop this evil!

Yes there will be tons of new open-source end2end encrypted apps that you can install and government shall not be able to enforce it! But the new Act will give them power to proclaim anyone using it a criminal and they can start exercising draconian fines (i.e. hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars life crippling). No matter how you slice this and when you get totality of all possibilities all scenarios end up with world destruction making this the most dangerous and most stupid Act ever!

Let me translate this into practical arguments depicting where this leads (how both dangerous and stupid it is).

If this bill passes, imagine a world where:

- all cloud files, activity, messages, regular over internet activity (provided by any legal company registered in US or wanting to operate in the US) etc shall be readable by the government

- this would apply to ALL countries in the world

- all companies will not be allowed to use nor support any application on their platform that has end2and encryption

- US government will heave sort of "master key" to not just US but the whole world

- end2end encryption use will be outlawed/criminal and forbidden (if you try to install any app that uses end2end encryption, this can be recorded and government can choose to bring you to court and serve you with draconian fines, regardless what you did over end2end encrypted communication)

- there will be nothing stopping any individual actor (good and bad) to use end2end encryption!

- it is impossible to enforce to stop use of end2end encryption (as nobody can control what runs on end points PC/Windows/OS/Mac/de-googled-Android/etc)

- No more VPN, Telegram, Signal, TOR/onion, emails, HTTPS? (all messaging like skype/whatsapp/snapchat/zoom/tiktok/etc in todays form), etc all will be forbidden/criminalized in today's form until changed to allow government to read it in clear form. This does not mean that there won't be still versions of TOR, VPN, HTTPs that use end2end encryption (without giving master key to the government) no there will be, it will just be criminalized and unenforceable unless government decides to not sue/press-charges to all using it (of which there will be hundreds of millions) but instead reserves right to sue/charge or worse bomb you

- centralization of such great power, by design per system threat model, makes one point of failure as total failure and history has proven that such design always fails (i.e. to translate: basically malicious actor will try and eventually succeed to hack the government central control place to take over this capability and such power in the hands of a really determined malicious actor is infinite!) == so technically/logically this is hugely stupid, not just dangerous for government malpractice (which is also historically more norm than exception)

- Internet division of the world will be forced by this! as imagine that you are some/any country (in Europe, especially China or Russia, but hey any) that just wants NOT TO be without clothes fully open to US spying, then you're left with only one choice to FULLY ISOLATE YOUR Internet (including everything, your infrastructure, your devices, your versions of operating systems, etc,..) so this would HUGELY IMPACT ALL BUSINESSES as they will suddenly not be able to sell anything outside of US (other than to allied or vasal countries)!!! (this is inevitable outcome in short period of time and in a divided world you can draw the prediction where that leads = to all worst outcomes)


Feel free to use my description when writing to your representative, as it is more understandable to uneducated people and conveys grave dangers versus just your vote!

Government agencies have many different ways to FULLY protect the children and not to destroy the world, only if they use competent people!

It would destroy the US tech sector. In Europe, no company would be permitted to store any data on any servers operated by a U.S. company. They might go further and require the company to have no association with the U.S. counterpart, if this Bill is sufficiently broad, which I believe it is. In other words, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Dropbox, Apple, Amazon, etc. etc. would lose their entire European customer base.

Of course the wheels of the EU move slowly, and there aren't a lot of strong alternatives at present, so I don't expect this to cause a sudden crash. The decline will be slow but assured. I don't understand how the legal architects of this can be this naive. Or perhaps they just don't care.

I would expect companies that can do so to move most of their activities out of the US and silo their US operations.

There would be many divided regions, physical and virtual with middle criminalized zones. In reality of this wild world scenario the strongest rules and there is no place to hide other than temporarily.

The "misguidedness" (is that a word?) of it all reminds me so much of Cory Doctorow's "The Coming War on General Purpose Computation"[0][1].

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUEvRyemKSg

[1] https://github.com/jwise/28c3-doctorow/blob/master/transcrip...

Hehe eventually it is https://www.thefreedictionary.com/misguidedness My life crossed Cory's ;-) long time ago, so not sure if it was subconscious influence.

Iconic and extremely relevant.

Imagine hacking that master key...

So will I have to shut down my personal Nextcloud and Matrix server? Also what will happen to SSH? it's also E2EE

As stated 3rd party actor breaching/hacking government is guaranteed! Another factor if money which is not on the individual side, but on a state actors (i.e. China will focus all to get there and per history it will get there).

In addition chance of "the beast" finding a method to break any new end2end encryption is likely/tbd/time, however individuals/open-source shall be finding another new method over night :-) as I ~40 years ago on 8bit computers I made very similar algorithm to Rijndael AES and I was a kid and that was ~20 years before AES was invented!

The only way out of this is embracing to become a criminal. You have to even the playing field with intelligence agencies breaking the law without any consequence. They have to justify their existence, citizens do not.

You have to protect yourself because the government cannot and will not do it. So focusing on illegal channels is the obvious choice.

that is "Oblivion" scenario if this passes or 2nd version is The World will face the music that would destroy it I'd rather try to act now with ~100000x less effort to stop this immensely stupid and dangerous act

Of course that would be the priority. But there needs to be a cultural change that fears don't lead to ambitions for more control. That is only possible through sensible opposition and controlling instruments. Secrets laws and secret courts play no part here.

Yes and that needs to be "designed into the system" with assurances, checks and balances. Currently it is not which is why Washington swamp is still degenerating.

Do not let US become China! (or worse)

Government can not stop criminals to use end-to-end encryption. With this bill only regular internet users loose privacy! This is not how it is represented to Senators and instead they are offered a lie while they do not understand, so we need to act. Crooked forces are behind this!

I am Computer Security expert and urge all from point of understanding this both technically and as a value to all of US citizens!

Love how these same senators protect the right to a gun because “only good guys would follow the law”

Right to use end2end Encryption is almost equal to right to bear arms (conceptually) It is even worse (read my practical translation below in another post where this leads to)

Government can not stop criminals to use end-to-end encryption. With this bill only regular internet users loose privacy! This is not how it is represented to Senators and instead they are offered a lie while they do not understand, so we need to act. Crooked forces are behind this!

I am Computer Security expert and urge all from point of understanding this both technically and as a value to all of US citizens!

Crooked forces are behind this trying to misrepresent this as ability to read all messages that will allow them to "save the children" which is just an excuse for the "foot through the door" or capability for the totalitarian rule (remember total power inevitably corrupts totally)! If we let our representatives, which do not understand this, vote for this, then we all will regret and have much much harder time to restore right for privacy. There are other both better and cheaper ways that government agencies can protect the children and destroying encryption (or criminalizing it) will not help them, since the real criminals will then use encryption only for their business and we law abiding citizens will be stripped off the ability to use it to preserve our privacy!!!

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