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Such a clickbaity title. tl;dr: genetics influences how much coffee you consume. Unsure if coffee is good/bad.

Looks good, good luck! Tracking is one of the features I use all the time on WeTransfer. When do you think you'll add that?

Thanks a lot!

Focusing on the initial traction for the next couple of weeks or so, then will start adding features again. This one so far is number 1 on the list :)

I think you meant tool not fool :-)

My bad that I couldn't edit.

I love the hamburger icon <3. Good luck!

Thanks :)

Meetups, happy hours around conferences and events, and lean our your VC contacts they should have their own events/dinners, and can intro you to like minded founders regardless

Good Luck! Just wondering, is where is your prospecting tool getting it's information? Is the contact info from LI/ other prospecting tools?

I've used my share of prospecting tools and the main issue I've dealt with isn't technogrpahics or firmographics but rather the quality of contact info, so wondering where you get this info. Some prospecting tools, like Zoominfo, have teams that verify emails and phone numbers

We're currently experimenting, using a combination of scraping websites, social, job boards, and different data services.

Do I understand you correctly, that the company provided would have been a good lead, but the actual contact of the person, their role, etc was off?

The issues would mostly be around stale data/ wrong titles. Even if you verify contact details periodically people can still change jobs in between.

Thanks! Good to know. Zoominfo feels expensive though.

Sidewalk riding can be ok if there is a clearly marked and fully dedicated bike lane on the sidewalk. Without that it’s just too dangerous for pedestrians

If your competitor is much more well known AND your product is superior to theirs and you are at the beginning of your journey there is no downside. Using their name will help ppl get what you do and help you get in front of the right audience.

Once you are a more established company, though, you really need to be able to describe your offering and differentiation independently of other companies.

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