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It's unclear from the post whether or not it's anonymous. I'd be more comfortable asking (and answering!) if I knew it was anon. Otherwise, it might be awkward, especially at a smaller company.

one of devs here...it's totally anonymous there's no login anywhere. Thanks for the feedback! please try it out and let us know :)

Any plan to prevent trolling? Honest question... curious about how you plan to catch me giving crazy answers about a company I don't like.

Why wouldn't someone be empathetic towards smokers? They got hooked on an addictive substance at some point in their life and are now stuck with an unhealthy compulsion.

I think the unstated assumption OP is making is that fat people got hooked on food, and can't be responsible and give up their addiction. And while it may be hard to do, you only owe your inability to stick with quitting for your continued problems. Born again skinny people are particularly severe in this regard, since they've likely overcome their own personal issues with food (for now, at least) and so see that experience in everyone else. Maybe they made physiological excuses before, and tend to discount those issues in others; maybe their own feelings of weakness don't allow them to be especially empathetic.

And, the analogy to smoking is fatally flawed. Nobody needs cigarettes, but everyone has to eat.

The images look reasonable to me, and I'm a female software engineer. Sure, she's wearing an interesting top (it could be a dress, but could also just be a nice blouse), but it's nothing beyond what I might wear to work. She's wearing the tiniest bit of makeup, very discreet and professional. And her facial expression is fairly neutral -- there's nothing especially sexy in it. Banning the account seems uncalled for.

<shameless_plug> I actually just built an iPhone app to help people get rid of stuff they don't need called Give or Take: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/give-or-take-bay-area/id6517.... Everything on it is free, so you won't make any money off it. But sometimes giving stuff away can be faster and less stressful. </shameless_plug>

There's a similar app called "myfreestuff" that automates posting to freecycle mailing lists. Freecycle can be a pain due to latencies and no-shows. Liking forward to trying this one out.

[edit] oops, it requires a facebook login. As a Facebook Luddite, I'll have to ask my wife to check it out for me.

As a former undergrad at Caltech, I actually think BBT is pretty great. (I'm only about 1.5 seasons in though, so it's possible it drops in quality later). It's definitely more extreme than reality for comedic effect, but it does actually remind me of my college years.

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