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It needs a fine balance though, a high number of short stints under 2 years is a big red flag.

> Customers get higher prices

Well not if you factor in not having to pay a tip.

The decision to hide the virtual ethernet bridge on Windows 11 is a major WTF moment.

I burned a few hours trying to figure that one out, I need to disable/enable it each time I connect or disconnect to VPN.

Why Microsoft decided to hide that from the technical userbase of WSL2 I don't understand.

you cant download viruses or exfiltrate data if security tooling uses 100% of your CPU taps head

At this stage it's because office on Mac sucks.

With the push to the new fisher price version of unified office that benefit will go away.

Microsoft products, while better than they were 10 years ago, are still terrible on Mac. Completely agree with you.

Then off to penisland to recuperate

Edit: I guess youngins don't remember pen island penisland.com

It's .net

I stand corrected

E61 is a partucular group head design, it provides temperature consistency and a form of pre infusion.

Lots of commercially machines like slayer have a portafilter but that's where the similarity ends.

And to add… most cafes in Australia (at least the ones I’ve ever been to) all use e61. Maybe something to do with La Marzocco having an almost-monopoly here

I'm sure a brown paper bag of cash can be convincing

It's not exactly a major inconvenience to just set the power level lower.

Depends on the microwave actually. I used to have a microwave with two knobs: power and time, so setting the first was as trivial as setting the latter. Now I have one with a dozen capacitive buttons and changing power settings requires a sequence of presses akin to some Street Fighter combos.

You still need to take out of the microwave and stir a few times and do it once or twice more until it’s evenly hot. To each their own but I maybe use my microwave once a week.

The entire point of running it on lower power is to avoid any uneven heating and manual intervention. Some really delicate foods I've put on low with plenty of success

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