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I've heard the XPS13 has a nearly-15 usable screen size because of the tiny bevel, any owners care to verify?

I have the Developer edition of the older 13 - its a 13" display in closer to an 11" form. The 13" and 15" have really tiny bezels to hit their dimensions, with the new 15.6" being 14" wide.

The 13" developer edition was close enough to perfect for me with the 1920x1080 display, battery life takes a hit with the 4k screens. Getting a 15" this time around, but expect delays on the developer edition, they usually launch a few months after the regular 15" while they sort new drivers.

Thanks for the heads up, since you've told me that all food is equal I'm going to switch my diet to only include Soda, Doritos and Hotpockets. I'm sure my body will adapt amazingly.

What do you honestly think would happen if you did, assuming that your calories were limited to an amount that kept you at a consistent healthy weight for your size?

Restricting calories for weight control works as well as restricting lines of code for bug control. At a high level, it works. Especially if you have quality lines of code.

However, consider the trivial case of your calories coming from poison. Not shockingly, strict equivalence is out the door.

Which is not too say it is a worthless proxy. It is quite good, actually. But it is just a proxy.

Headaches from too much sodium, acne breakouts, blood sugar crashes, poor mood, high acidity in stomach, digestive problems, bloating, etc. Eating nutritionally-poor food has immediate consequences.

>Headaches from too much sodium

Not to say this is a myth like Chinese Restaurant Syndrome, but there is honestly a lot of evidence either way so we can't make establish a causative relationship for everyone. It is quite possible for people to have a short term reaction to salt because the hormones in charge of water and sodium balance can take several days to stablise, but again, we are unsure of long term consequences especially on an individual level.



The rest of your symptoms suggest that you are either eating too much like the guy from Supersize Me, or have more underlying health issues that require a better designed diet to heal. It's not food but how you eat.


They are equal, as anybody with rudimentary knowledge of biochemistry can tell. Modern processed food have the added benefit of micronutrient fortification so your need of vitamins should be met mostly in case you actually plan to follow that diet.

The appeal of a "balanced and natural" diet has a mostly puritan origin but its benefits are far from clear. The only proven method to delay the onset of aging is caloric restriction. Kale and supplements are mostly placebo.

You claim they are equal but also benefit from added nutrients, which hinges on them not being equal.

As I said in a sibling post, restricting calories works. But, so does restricting grams. The same way not writing code prevents bugs. It also prevents features, so is a somewhat worthless endeavor.

Unlike software, we don't need more nutrients than the baseline to function lest it is prescribed to treat an illness and eating more of the same thing don't magically makes you more healthy. For example, 10mg of vitamin C per day absolutely prevents scurvy, most dietary guidelines recommend much more but there is no proven benefit of a larger dose.

Now you've taught me that the Glycemic Index is an illusion and that Doritos are high in micronutrient fortification. This is so informative.

Indeed. Glycemic index is fairly idiosyncratic (varies from person to person) and generally a poor indicator of insulin response anyway, especially the overall amount of calories consumed ia not taken into account. It's just another pointless metric invented to sell quinoa.

> magically

Siri can understand what you say. I'm not saying the person was right, but is it really far fetched? IIRC gmail already targets ads based on your email content (ie conversations).

Kogan charge your card a slightly lower random amount than the transaction total and ask you to verify the exact figure before they will fulfill the order. Simple and clever.

>substance was known good.


> Yeah but

Most professionals have a financial safety net the working class do not. That is a huge psychological difference.

Some people enjoy very specific genres. Do you really want your family and workplace to know you rather enjoy watching Klingons fellate Ewoks?

Surely it would be the other way around.

I mean, I get the idea behind transgressive pornography, but be real.


I need a mind bleach now.

It is exactly this kind of bigotry that forces the KFE scene underground.

I still don't understand why <img lowsrc=""> never took off.

Hey mythrwy are you pregnant, you're looking a lot bigger? And also you should dump your partner because they conform to mainstream social standards, total red flag. Oh and you're raising your kids wrong.

Hey why are you offended? I was trying to help! You could be gracious about it.

Are you teaching me a lesson? Or trolling? Real question. Because your approach isn't very constructive.

The guy apologized and maybe he thought his advice was good. I admit though it was blunt and the part about divorce was rude.

Ok, at this point I have to comment.

For one thing, I never said he would get divorced. I said "if you get divorced".

For another thing, if you are going to divulge details of your personal relationship online, you should not be surprised or get upset if someone comments about it. If it's a sensitive issue for you - keep it to yourself. This isn't your journal.

I take my apology back. I did absolutely nothing wrong, and people seriously need to develop thicker skin.

> people seriously need to develop thicker skin.

You should heed your own words...

> gives you everything that linux offers that you would need

Homebrew is dope, but it's still a bolted-on package manager. I also hate hate hate that Apple have removed the ability to theme the OSX UI (RIP Flavours). If I'm going to stare at my dev screen all day it should look how I want it to.

You are free to disable SIP and do whatever runtime injection or other modifications to binaries you please, provided you have the knowledge to do so. Just because they ship it in a default mode doesn't mean they stop you from cracking it open if that's your desire.

You're seriously suggesting that I should theme OSX manually using a hex editor?

Until the new equivalent of Flavours[1] is available, theming OSX is dead in the water.

[1] http://flavours.interacto.net/

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