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I bet that Reed Hastings has a sub organization at Netflix that is run in founder mode, even if most of the organization is run in manager mode.

Whether orgs are run in manager mode or founder mode depends on whether there is a founder level leader available and nature of the changes that need to occur for the organization to remain competitive. Some orgs or sub-orgs cannot afford to have a founder making radical changes, because the risk this will lead to an exponential rise in defects for end customers is greater than the potential benefit.

PG tailors to startups and for startups the risk of the wrong product is generally much greater than the risk of product defects. So I tend to agree with his points here.

Exciting to see more work in this area.

See https://www.plasticlist.org/ for a recent SV based project to measure microplastic contamination across popular food and drink items.

Thanks for sharing this, very interested to follow them

Second page is even worse. Ends in repeated \cdots and doesn’t finish parsing page. Also it read number 73 as 3 I guess because the previous section number was 2.

That’s a nice approach.

Check out mathpix.com

(disclaimer: I'm a founder)

I can see why: flying commercial is a humiliating experience.

As far as I'm concerned the biggest reasons to strike it rich are flying private and having a private chef.

A private chef is about a order of magnitude cheaper than a private jet.

For us peons, there are lots of things that we can spend money on to make our lives easier / better. Some things we think will make life easier or better don't, but many do.

But from what I hear, a private jet is the last step. Once you have that (and all the other things on the list cheaper than it, like a private chef), there's nothing else you can buy that will actually make your life easier / better. You can buy another house or something, but once you have 2 or 3, what does another one add?

And private jets are accessible to hundred-millionaires. Wealth beyond that is for power or competition or status.

> having a private chef

now we are talking!

Why not use a proprietary OCR tool like mathpix.com?

Censorship is inevitable to maintaining the power structure, the question is who controls the censorship and whether the approach taken to censorship makes the people strong or weak.

No I don't agree that censorship is inevitable. You are gonna need to back that argument up, nico.

Sounds like you have drunk deeply of some authoritarian rhetoric

Not saying censorship is bad or good I’m just saying it’s inevitable.

"Lethal, but mostly peaceful mercenaries."

This is some elite level trolling!

Mostly peaceful mercenaries to properly handle mostly peaceful protesters.

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Disclaimer: I'm the founder of Mathpix.

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