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Start with offical docs.

If you're starting out, often going straight into the docs can be quite daunting. However on the Python docs there is this page with some useful links: https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide

Into 10 years into the career, I have found that in the end its all about the people. Most of the comapanies suck making life easier for software developlemt, with useless standups, lack of documentation, proper testing, quick tasks, and on top of it micromanagement, un-productive meetings and with no foucs on culture. To me, all this energy drainging activities. It is hard to find the real joy for the job, in such cases.

Most of the companies fail at knowledge transfer as they have very poor documenting culture.

There will be very few companies which will be really using the AI to solve problem which AI can solve, otherwise every next company slapping "AI" on their prodcut.

Same situatiom came in past, where CEO was trying to hire the agenecy team. I was senior dev into the team, opposed this idea. Their argument was hiring will take lot of time and we have to ship fast. Worst happened ( although I expeacted that), slowly internal team had "no" work. all the work was directed to agency.

I built the movie torrent finder of my IMDb's movie watchlist


IMO, people who are running the company has very little or no perspective of software quality and how it will impact in the long run, specially if company is run by sales (CEO) guy. They just want to "release" feature, even if there is know bugs are there. Its a sad reality of lot of software shops.

This guys rocks !!

Start reading Bhagvad Gita few days back.

re-read: 1984, Animal Farm and flowers of algernon.

Yes, I use it for my personal browsing. For company related stuff i uses Chrome

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