FB's MySQL team gave a tech talk on sharing circa 2011. A couple of bright engineers from Pinterest were there and asked a lot of great questions. A year or two later the same gentlemen presented their own MySQL infra at the Percona (?) conference. They'd used that talk as a springboard for their own design, which was quite clever and clearly integrated some of their unique business needs.
A decade later, I still remember how good their presentation was! I wish I could remember the engineers' names.
That saved my ass. Had been on AOL for a month or so, by stealing my dads CC number out of his wallet. Just happened to look at what the bill was going to be and it was something stupid like $400 (mid 90's dollars, so like a grand today).
I quickly found a fake CC generator and updated the CC. I was panicked for about a week..but he never found out. It never hit his CC, and then I was changing the CC every couple of weeks whenever I got a warning.
Anecdotally, we've walking a few OC beach towns the last couple weeks.. its _all_ vinyl sided tents everywhere outside. They're keeping in the heat for evening dining.
Afternoon dining is pretty easy to do, but dinner seems to be problematic even in OC where I'm at.
Interesting thing to me is recirculated air vs. contained air.
The vinyl sided tents aren't going to have recirculated air like indoors, but yes, the air is certainly not going to be flowing the way it would with no vinyl walls.
OC beach towns are as nice as they are unaffordable, lol. I love the restaurants there, though.
> Interesting thing to me is recirculated air vs. contained air.
The paper that started this thread notes that the only people who got infected in the indoor restaurant scenario they studied were the ones in the airflow path. Nobody else did, even though they were all in the same room with the same contained air. So this one study, at least, seems to indicate that just having contained air is lower risk; it's being in the airflow path of recirculated air that is higher risk.
That said, there is nothing in the paper that says that having uncontained air outdoors is not even lower risk than contained (but not recirculated) air.
So, so wrong. How did (s)he think experts get so good? Isn't the phrase `the master has failed more times than the apprentice has even tried` well known for a reason?
It obviously depends on the type of the book and the reader's expectations. It just might not have been the type of book where you write about things like that.
Along these lines, I once heard somewhere that people do not process the word 'dont'. As a coach, I've had to shift my vocabulary to focus on the 'do's rather than the 'dont's
Eg: If you're doing a sport where leaning forward is bad, avoid telling yourself 'dont lean forward' as your mind only hears 'lean forward', therefore reinforcing the thing you're trying to avoid. Alternatively, tell yourself 'lean back' or 'stay straight' or whatever you're focusing on for that maneuver or drill.
Interestingly I've found this same approach from good coaches across completely different niche sports. I imagine this phenomenon has been discovered a number of times by various smart people. It certainly wasn't intuitive to me, but since learning to use affirmative advice in real-time sport situations, my advice got noticeably more effective.
Not all data stores. You can go quite far with an out of the box Redis instance or even PostgreSQL. No fiddling needed unless you are in triple digit QPS ranges.
I went looking, but found nothing regarding any operations management.
* How does this scale?
* How is it monitored? Where do I get the metrics for it? (indexing performance, search performance, etc.. Stuff not found in the OS)
* Are there any kind of throttling or queueing capabilities?
* What's the redundancy/HA approach?
* I'll ask about backups, though its the least of my worries as indexing databases like this and ES should be able to be rehydrated from source. However, snapshots may be faster to restore than reindexing.
This might be a nice local dev tool for something, but I'm not sure how you run a business critical application with it? I'm wondering if I'm missing something.
- Vertical scale: We use LMDB as a key-value store. This one uses the power of memory mapping. It made our search engine use mainly the disk and will do not need a machine that will have TB of RAM.
- Horizontal scale. We are working on sharding and replications (Raft). Development is progressing well, and the functionality should come out soon.
* As I said previously, we are working on HA with a raft consensus.
* We will add snapshots in no time (disk folder saved in s3). A little more time for backups (version agnostic, need indexing).
We are already working with Louis Vuitton on an application in production. The app is in production from 9 months, and there hasn't been a single problem.
I give my boss/coworkers my wife's phone number when I go on vacation. I tell them you have to talk to her to get to me. I then put my phone in airplane mode 95% of the time and use it as a camera. I'll occasionally undo airplane mode to upload photos or check the internets for something, but vacation for me is usually unplugging as well.
Funny, I tried this once when I was on call and I still got called. And for a while after that, whenever someone couldn't reach me on my phone, they would call my wife. So really, it was a lose-lose.
It wasn't on purpose; that particular weekend we were going somewhere my phone didn't get any reception, but my wife's did. So, not exactly the same situation as OP.
That strikes me as wildly out of bounds. I imagine your wife has a job too, and her own work issues to deal with. I'd be very upset with the individual bothering my spouse because I hadn't returned their call fast enough for their tastes.
People in desperation tend not to think things through, especially when customers are the ones telling them that there's an issue. After the second occurrence, I explained to the relevant parties that my wife's phone cannot be used as a secondary contact for myself, and it didn't happen again after that, so I chalked it up to a misunderstanding. It was annoying, yes, but no one was pestering my wife on purpose.
You're somewhat more generous than I am. I'd have told my wife to just block that number, and waited until I got back from vacation to explain that it'll happen to anyone else who calls my wife for anything other than an existential emergency as well.
He also knew he was on-call and went somewhere where he didn't have reception. It sounds like he knew that might be an issue so gave his wife's number as a backup. That's basically training the person who has to escalate to use his wife's number as it's the one he responded on. I don't think he's being generous at all, it seems like an obvious outcome of being on call and not responding on his own phone.
This is accurate, although to be fair to myself, I didn't know I would be on call until after the plans were made. With that said, I take issue with this being an "obvious outcome" and the notion that I was "training" our staff to use my wife's number. I was explicit with the company (at least I thought) about the need to use her number only being applicable for that weekend; the fact that some people tried to use it when I was on call again in the future is on them. Mistakes happen, and everything worked out just fine, but I don't see how that part was my fault.
I suspect "training" here was meant much in the same way the person in the following story "trained" their cat that they're entitled to food when they high-five:
> my brother is teaching his cat how to high five by giving her a treat every time she successfully taps her hand to his hand, which is all well and good, but now she thinks that she is entitled to food every time she high fives someone. i can’t eat in the same room as her anymore because she’ll just bap my hand rapid fire and then go nyoom straight in for my pizza like no Kelly that’s illegal go finish ur own dinner
Is giving them your wife's phone simply to discourage them from calling for non-emergency situations? Because in an emergency I highly doubt it would prevent my employer from getting in contact.
I do agree about unplugging, but I've never had a vacation ruined by having a work-related text or call steal my attention for 5 minutes. If me being reachable (not necessarily _available_) puts my employer at ease then it makes it easier for me to take the vacations I want to take because they're more likely to be flexible with my schedule during busy times.
I don't think the average <employer/line manager/assistant actually making the phone call> cares about it nearly as much as one might think they would:
Boss: "we need to reach $person urgently, get them on the line for me..." <walks back into office>
Assistant: "Sir, yes, sir"* <looks up numbers, calls $person's wife>