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What do you think Toronto's message is?

A few of my own thoughts and observations. Content (from your friends that you see) really is king. http://bit.ly/10CinIx

I'm in London too. 24, with a similar resolution to get out of my comfort zone. Let's grab a pint or two.

iMessage or email: nquo at iCloud dot com

Their newish (and enticingly named) 'TimeTraveler' app is very well-thought out. UI is a bit clunky though.

Saddened to see someone so talented and young take their own life.

It's never worth it.

Back in November after the first batch sold out within half an hour, I wanted to get a Nexus 4 to give Android another go and check out Google Now and other new features of 4.2, as iOS6 felt a bit stale despite being a big fan of the black & slate iPhone 5's industrial design. But I got tired of checking the Google Play link everyday which always read "Out of stock". So I got the iPhone 5 instead.

When the second batch became available, I ordered one for a friend, still waiting for it to ship. (it said 1-2 weeks so it should ship this coming week)

From everything I've read so far, the Nexus 4 seems like a great phone at an unbelievable price, but Google and LG are really shooting themselves in the foot with customer service, shipping on a frustrating not-on-first-come-first-ordered basis and repeated delays.

I think a lot of customers would've been happier if they sold it through Amazon instead.

Favourite part of the article: how NYT describes each apple that the tax subsidiaries are named after.

"Braeburn is a variety of apple that is simultaneously sweet and tart."

"Baldwin apples are known for their hardiness while traveling."

While a bit harsh considering Instagram's success, I completely agree with this quote from Steve Jobs on startups:


So Steve Jobs hated entrepeneurs who who were just looking for someone to buy they startup. Following that line of reasoning, he most have loved it when Dropbox refused to sell to Apple.

I posted to Quora yesterday to find out who exactly (besides Wolfram Alpha) is behind Siri's impressive sense of humor.


I feel that one of the main problems with webOS is that many people like it a lot for the design and want to see its potential unleashed.

Yet users don't vote for webOS with their wallets and developers don't make webOS apps, because many question whether it can be a sustainable mobile platform. Another reason is that the hardware running webOS has always been a bit of a let-down.

On a side note, I can't help but wonder if Steve Jobs feels a little saddened to see HP's lack of vision and commitment nowadays to make great products. Yes, HP's obviously a major competitor but mostly in the PC industry where it makes much slimmer margins. Jobs' first summer job was at Hewlett-Packard and also where he met Steve Wozniak, so it's more of a personal sting to witness the once iconic company giving up on post-PC devices.

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