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it's important to note that post financial crisis, interest rates were very low due in part to quantitative easing. With interest rates rising, asset prices will have to come down. Leverage cuts both ways, the equity in your house can easily be wiped out.

exactly, make them dischargable and observe gigantic changes. Incentives, incentives, incentives

the link is dead for me

please find the docs for SSO setup for the CF dashboard here: https://developers.cloudflare.com/cloudflare-one/application...

Why is this buried deep in the docs for Zero Trust and not part of user management? Why are there no references to it from user management, either in the docs or in the add/remove users screen?

maintaining web frontends will also be an infinite source of employment

Buffett is continuously buying, Berkshire's equity positions are in the public record. You can google "Berkshire 13F" to see public US holdings.

Credit Suisse was troubled for a long time, their controversy section on Wikipedia is pretty crazy ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_Suisse#Controversies )

Global oil prices have been steadily declining for months, electricity is much cheaper again in Europe and many supply chain bottlenecks have been resolved. This will put a strong break on inflation going forward

somebody with low motivation breaking the vicious cycle they are in are taking the first step to getting better

Since you care about privacy, Cloudflare Web Analytics might be a good fit for you: landing page [0] and announcement blog post [1]

[0] https://www.cloudflare.com/web-analytics/

[1] https://blog.cloudflare.com/privacy-first-web-analytics/

Deep mind could be considered a corporate research lab, don't you think?

Microsoft also has a big lab I think

the "how much of the value created by transistors was captured by the inventors of this technology" question reminds me of the discussion around the difference between value creation and capturing of value. It's one of the important points illustrated in Peter Thiel's "Zero to One" book.

That a company generates large profits or that an individual takes home a gigantic salary does not necessarily mean that they have created a lot of value, but certainly that they have been able to capture/extract value. To me its the difference between Wikipedia and a hedge fund, or elementary school teachers and VC investors. Many people and organizations create lots of value, but are often not financially rewarded for it. As a society we should therefore be careful about placing those who are rich on a pedestal

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