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> Too much knowledge of code is required to create a hand-made website. Building one shouldn't be any more difficult than making a PowerPoint [presentation]

I like this. I also wish designMode were more of a discoverable, easy-to-use feature in popular browsers.

Hosting (and DNS etc.) are still a pain though, and usually cost money.

> an abandonware WYSIWYG web editor called Hotglue

> Hotglue is a fascinating open-source "anything goes, WYSIWYG" website making tool

But it's open source (GPL), so anyone could revive (or un-abandon) it!

"But it's open source (GPL), so anyone could revive (or un-abandon) it!"

Not everyone has the skill, or time and energy, to pick up a dead project. Most projects are dead, because the codebase became no more fun to work with. So it likely won't be well documented, nor clean code and original creators might be not around for questions. Really challenging start conditions, that is why most abandoned projects stay abandoned and people motivated rather start a fresh one.

(no idea about the state of hotglue, but it would surprise me, if it would be different here)

> Not everyone has the skill, or time and energy, to pick up a dead project.

To expound on that, usually when I encounter a "dead" project, the biggest hurdle(s) are the build assumptions that weren't addressed - large complex build systems that have many presumptions (usually dynamic run-times with macro libraries, that require specific versions of things to exist on your system, that themselves are also quite difficult to build/require specific starting conditions)...

A good example, I see (quite often actually) build systems with nested build systems that are then bootstrapping other builds - quite a technical marvel but unsurprising when a tweak to the "underlying build tools" causes strange errors and requires massive build-system surgeries...

The lesson? Be as verbose as possible about exactly everything you know you depend on, in as clear (human readable) format as possible, and always strive to pick the simplest build tool possible - if you are compiling a language, use that compiler, not a system that has support for systems that can compile your language.

Technical "shortcuts" are the bane of longevity of a software artifact.

Very much this. Please stop building Jenga towers.

It's always alarming to encounter build instructions that start with "you need this specific version of this particular compiler for this particular obscure language..."

Bonus points if your build process fetches modules from online endpoints that may or may not be there in five years' time.

[And yes, I'm as guilty as anyone of creating over-engineered but ultimately fragile scripts to automate a build. My favourite is a bash script which parses a text file for filenames, matches against the file extension and processes them accordingly. If you edit the text file with a Windows-style editor so it acquires CR/LF line endings, the bash script can no longer parse it. Fun times.]

Are you saying dependencies are bad?

Are you saying all new languages are bad because they encourage you to pull in half the program via some language package manager, injecting problems from simple networking availability to supply chain attacks into what was otherwise a simple program?

Are you saying we should only code everything in C and C++ and Bash with as few dependencies as possible?


I think he or she is just saying, try not to build overly complicated things. To which I very much agree.

No worries about that with Hotglue (PHP), the deployment is no more complicated than dropping the unzipped project folder onto a webserver.

I really wish I knew more PHP to fix some things, as Hotglue as it is already ticks a lot of boxes for me (non-SaaS, self-hostable). I tried to find a way to make public pages password-protected, but it didn't work when I used the Apache server method (conflicts with the authentication method used for editing the pages). And I don't know enough PHP to do it on the application side.

I think ChatGPT and alike could probably help here. Maybe they even know the project and had its sources in the training data and your request sounds quite standard.

(but personally, I am not touching PHP)

>Building one shouldn't be any more difficult than making a PowerPoint

Once upon a time there was Microsoft Frontpage and Frontpage Express which brought becoming a webmaster to the masses.

For all the rightful criticism they got, they were also what started me down the path of learning how websites are made.

Later but also noteworthy: [Macromedia|Adobe] Dreamweaver.


Even in 2024, the <table> element remains an easier, HTML-native way to build multi-column layouts than flexbox or grid. Is it responsive? No. Does it work acceptably in the absence of the above? Yes!

I think that might be subjective, because you have known and used table first?

I really like flexbox and find it way easier to use to get the desired layout.

Or do you meany the problem are outdated browsers? Well, those browser would be so old by now, one really should not use them for anything.

I mean that the problem with those is that they require lengthy tutorials and fairly extensive knowledge of CSS, just to get something pretty basic up and running. I've never seen an "ultimate guide to HTML tables", yet there are plenty such articles for flex and grid.

Well, you can do much more with them. But getting a basic example set up and explained is less then a few paragraphs.

The long blababla articles might exist because of SEO. And back then that was not a thing, so a modern guide to html tables would be likely "ultimate" as well.

I don't like the phrase. Some physicians do label their patients, and their patients' family members. It's probably better to treat people as individuals and with sympathy, but that can be a rare commodity.

10K memory safe packages (so far): https://www.cheribsd.org

And it only requires massive hardware changes and overhead that no one has put into production. Morello is still a research project afaik.

CHERI-RISC-V is being standardised [1], Codasip is working on a commercial implementation of CHERI-RISC-V [2], and lowRISC is working on the Sonata project [3] implementing CHERIoT.

The Early performance results from the prototype Morello microarchitecture report [4] predicts the overhead between 1.8% and 3.0%. We don’t know what that overhead would be in production until such a commercial implementation is delivered but we have enough evidence it is worth the effort with the current estimates and given that CHERI can deterministically prevent around 2/3 of memory-safety-related vulnerabilities [5], not to mention benefits of mitigating future unknown vulnerabilities with compartmentalisation.

[1] https://github.com/riscv/riscv-cheri

[2] https://codasip.com/solutions/riscv-processor-safety-securit...

[3] https://www.sunburst-project.org/

[4] https://ctsrd-cheri.github.io/morello-early-performance-resu...

[5] https://msrc.microsoft.com/blog/2020/10/security-analysis-of...

Unfortunately by June 1984 people had already seen the Mac and Lisa.

Fortunately 2024 is the year of the Linux desktop, while Apple and Microsoft are busy adding creepy and intrusive AI features.

Wow, you must have worked really hard on your physical appearance today.

Storing jars sideways risks oil leakage, but makes their contents easier to mix. Also refrigeration seems to slow oil separation.

I don't see them winning without changes to copyright law.

Which is perhaps part of the point. As a start, first sale doctrine should apply to ebooks, as should the format shifting exemption (both for libraries and for individuals), and DRM circumvention should be explicitly legalized for non-infringing purposes.

Apparently the dinobabies did not go extinct as planned.

Humans are next, of course.


I was recently pleasantly surprised as to how well a .jar works on macOS, Windows, and Linux - but only after you install a JRE, unfortunately.

Golang seems to have good cross-platform abilities as well, though I have less experience with it for GUI apps.

Docker is difficult, k8s is impossible.

>Docker is difficult, k8s is impossible.

At least [manual] image management for k8s doesn't have to be:


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