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I'm not attacking the suits, just managers who lack intellectual honesty and the appreciation for the difference between causation and correlation.

In hindsight...

"Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."


"Life must be lived forward but can only be understood backward." Soren Kierkegaard

Well said.

The current economic mess is an example of too little focus...

To extend your argument, you make money on it the same way as you do for those things that have been around forever. For jobs and dating, listing fees. For search, search marketing. And using the social graph to better target ads should increase CPMs by much more than content-based targeting.

I agree that social science is different from the physical sciences, but that's not an excuse for the cargo cult science that dominates the field. Read Historians' Fallacies for a view of how the social sciences should approach their work. (http://www.amazon.com/Historians-Fallacies-Toward-Historical...).

Social sciences have well-developed methodologies for dealing with fallacies. http://www.amazon.com/Experimental-Quasi-Experimental-Design... is the bible, and is mostly taught to doctoral students. But chances are Mr. Collins has never heard of it, since he's in business faculty. But he might have, and might actually have a solid research design. Just that its hard to tell from the book.

The practice of management in the real world is full of imperfections, because its about people, and people are imperfect.

I stand corrected. Thanks.

F8 is Facebook's (FB) developer platform. The intent was to question if F8 opened a hole for phishers / spammers.

You can do it in any of these four ways (and likely many more).

1. There is a Delicious FB application. That's how I have done it historically.

2. Facebook added FriendFeed like features into its core functionality. I now have a direct Delicious feed into FB.

3. You can feed Delicious into FriendFeed and then install the FriendFeed application into FB.

4. You can get an RSS feed for your Delicious bookmarks and use that to directly feed into FB, FriendFeed, etc...

Congratulations guys! Incredible review from a tough critic...

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