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I have the first 4 books, but reading that makes me want to get it as an e-book, as well.

What would you call the middle ground between the two of them? I feel like I spend a lot of time reading, but I just can't bring myself to blog. I've had one for years that has maybe 5 posts. It's a combination of being tired at the end of the day, feeling like I have nothing useful to say (that hasn't already been said), and generally not thinking about it.

It's also a similar story with Stack Overflow. When I think to try and answer questions, they've already been answered by people more knowledgeable than me.

Don't concern yourself with labels. Apply yourself, learn new stuff and meet new people who work in the industry :) You'll figure out the rest.

>If Servo (written in Rust) isn't faster than Gecko (written in C++), then Mozilla won't continue funding Rust. Rust needs to be fast in a very existential way.

Ouch, I didn't know the project had a deadline. By when does it need to be faster?

kibwen is not speaking for the Rust team.

Indeed I'm not! Just an over-enthusiastic community member here. :)

Ok, that makes me feel better. I've been watching and waiting for Windows support to get better, and I'd hate to have it fizzle before I really got to play with it.

If you're looking for an engine for mobile games, checkout Unity3D and Corona

Other than the official documentation, you'll probably have to wait a few days/weeks.

You might want to do some moderation on tags. Looking up "Android" brings up "Android", "Android Development", and "Android App Development". Looking up "Golang" returns "golang" and "Golang".

I wonder how much people are going to miss out on connections if they pick one of three terms for what's probably the same idea.

Yes, we definitely need to clean those tags up. Thanks for pointing it out.

It's not much better in the US. I live in Atlanta and I feel like I'm missing out on most of the fun. If you're not in SF or NYC, there's a lot you don't get.

I'm from Kentucky, so know how you feel. We're trying to open up elsewhere in the next few weeks, and can't wait.

Isn't this essentially the point behind 4chan?

4chan is not heavily moderated...

Go is still very young. Doesn't make sense to write such a critical piece of software with it quite yet.

Go might be young but the underlying compiler suite is derived from Ken Thompson's c compiler written for plan9 ~25 years ago. Also taking into consideration that the people developing Go have an impressive history of innovation; its not an uncommon by the time somebody actually finishes developing that critical software, for the compilers and runtime to receive vast improvements via new useful diagnostic tools and optimizations.

Google have some pretty critical software running on Go already (and have for a couple of years now). For example, their MySQL scaling proxy[1] is in Go.

[1] https://code.google.com/p/vitess/

But it is very different to use something server-side in your own environment where you can deploy updates easily, vs. client side on devices where the wrong kind of bugs can wreak havoc for millions of uses and make updates to fix them extremely much more complicated.

Yeah, they probably want to wait until Go 2.0 or something, before they commit Android to supporting Go (and support only 64-bit apps while they're at it, since from what I hear Go handles 64-bit much better than 32-bit anyway). So maybe in 2-3 years.

But I do think they should do it eventually, and move away completely from Java, because I think Java is a pain to learn, especially for new programmers who want to make Android apps. Being able to write Go apps for Android could make Android that much more attractive to developers.

In the meantime, this transition to ART apps, will be a huge benefit for users, as their apps will run better, especially on lower-end devices, which KitKat also addresses.

Go isn't a panace either, especially when it comes to dealing with OS-level threads and goroutines.

I was wondering about that. Can you can still buy an unlocked phone and use it with their service?


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