>People in developing nations can eat for an entire week or more on $3.
I live in a third world country and I buy from the market at really low prices. At first this $3 figure seemed off the mark, but upon further consideration it's true, you could live on that much for a while at market prices.
But it means a couple of bowls of rice and a small quantity of nutrient-unknown vegetables, with a few bites of some D-grade, fatty bony meat to live on less than $0.50 a day of food. Obviously, this is going to lead to malnourishment and an early death if they can't supplement with something else.
Lots of people keep small farm animals for an easy boost. A neighbor of mine had a 2-year old dog that started to eat her own chickens. After trying to correct the dog's behavior, it didn't work, so they killed the dog, cooked it and offered me some (I didn't bite, but it was considerate of them.)
>Our fisrt candidate is a "hacker", he is Herve Falciani who since 2009 has been collaborating with numerous European nations by providing information relating to more than 130,000 suspected tax evaders with Swiss bank accounts.
So instead of attempting to scale back the mass surveillance state, the candidate embraces it with open arms and knocks on its door with a vaguely-indicative list of nonviolent alleged criminal code violations of 130,000 people whose metadata he's aggregated?
Not exactly, first he was proposed and voted in a open list. His list of evaders, which is not public includes the top bankers and politics in Europe including some of European deputies. His personal goals are to deploy by law in European banks a system he has developed to monitor bank transactions at European level to elaborate a map of money movements to detect tax evaders.
Because of him, governments in Europe have been able to get back millions of euros back
Corruption in Spain is a big problem and politics have never been trusted or respected, he is death treated by looking for the common good which at least is a sign he will never be involved in corruption and he will never hide his head in the attempt to achieve our goals.
>>> His personal goals are to deploy by law in European banks a system he has developed to monitor bank transactions at European level to elaborate a map of money movements
In other words, complete mass surveillance system, no financial privacy at all for any EU citizen. A commendable goal.
>>> Corruption in Spain is a big problem and politics have never been trusted or respected,
And yet you are building a mass surveillance system which will be controlled by the corrupt politicians, maintained by the corrupt politicians, operated by the corrupt politicians and the corrupt politicians would decide what to do with it next.
>>> which at least is a sign he will never be involved in corruption
Of course, nobody involved in corruption has ever gotten death threats.
But you don't even need to corrupt him - why bother if he gives a most powerful instrument - control over every financial transaction - to the politicians, which as you admitted are corrupt? Without any coercion or corruption. Why break into your house if you bring to the thieves the keys from it voluntarily and beg them to take them and be your guest any time they like?
What is the point of ebay redirecting HTTPS versions of their site to an HTTP version? They have an EV cert and everything for the login page. Is it spite?