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>How to use DualSense wireless controllers with PC, Mac, Android, and iOS

that sort of movement is thankfully incredibly niche. anyone serious about that sort of crazy should start with themselves.

Toronto's climate and winters is dramatically changing, the universal AC solution is almost mandatory due to the climate not being as cold in this area as it once was.

do you have a source for that? my source[1] appears the average temp hasn't changed much in the past quarter century:


Average temp probably isn’t what you need here - peak temperature and length of high temperature conditions would be more important when figuring out if you need to have artificial cooling available.

From the site you cited:

* Feb 1 2014 MAX 5.5 °C HR MEAN -7.8 °C MEAN M/M -8.3 °C MIN -21.3 °C

* Feb 1 2024 MAX 15.7 °C HR MEAN 1.3 °C MEAN M/M 1.3 °C MIN -8.2 °C

* Jan 1 2014 MAX 7.5 °C HR MEAN -8.3 °C MEAN M/M -8.6 °C MIN -24.2 °C

* Jan 1 2024 MAX 6.5 °C HR MEAN -2.3 °C MEAN M/M -2.1 °C MIN -15.5 °C

* Dec 1 2013 MAX 15.6 °C HR MEAN -4.0 °C MEAN M/M -4.2 °C MIN -17.8 °C

* Dec 1 2023 MAX 13.1 °C HR MEAN 2.7 °C MEAN M/M 2.7 °C MIN -4.9 °C

Looking at the MEANs shows the real story - as well as seeing that the Mins are getting nowhere close to what they used to.

Also I live here, snow volumes have been low enough that I no longer need a snowblower. I used to build a backyard rink and haven't been able to properly last couple of years because the weather is too mild and I can't enough solid time that it'll be frozen. Public outdoor rinks (that aren't artificially chilled) suffer the same fate and are rarely if ever available.

Even in Ottawa where at this time a decade ago people would have been skating on the Canal for weeks by now - it's still not frozen over and open for the public.

You need to check a calendar and see the current year - the days of Casinos' roughing up card counters is long long long gone. Might be great for your screenplay or fan fiction but doesn't match reality.

Strange that you can be so confident about this with private security when even actual police are sometimes involved in cases of excessive force, corruption, coverups. Besides, whatever your personal knowledge/experience is it can't be vast enough to prove a negative here, and only one counter example is needed.

Regardless of the year I think you might want to reconsider your overly confident notions about fiction/reality or at least the condescending tone. I don't know what is institutionalized in what places, but have been threatened by casino security. Fuck around and find out I guess

> and only one counter example is needed.

From where I stand, you'd need to show it's systematic. One single instance is not enough for me. Because your claims are general, as if they applied to many casinos.

While not as good as Apollo the "Dystopia for reddit" (iOS) or the "Red Reader" (android) are both better than the official reddit app.

Dystopia is excellent not only because it's free but because it is great for people with poor eyesight like myself, allowing for pretty big fonts that are broken on the official iOS Reddit App. The only alternative way I've found to achieve this is to browse Reddit with Safari and use page zoom.

I'm still missing Apollo quite a lot. Narwhal2 is good and comes close but it's not exactly there.

Dystopia is indeed amazing.

The “command line” lite experience for browsing is also very good.

Yo just for this incident reddit should be fined, but not peanuts, like 10-20% their revenue. Any business that discriminates disabled people mustn't be a business IMHO

Don't worry. The EU will teach them a lesson when they're done with everyone else. Thank god we have the EU to balance US.

thanks for reminding me to double check my stylesheets for big text compatibility.

I always used to think that accessibility is for blind people, text readers and all that shit. Turns out that over the years accessibility ends up catching you one way or the other.

iOS has Narwhal 2, as well. It’s got its own subscription to defray the API costs but it’s a reasonable price.

>Seems pretty trivial to .....

Then go do it. If it's pretty trivial....

look up the wet hourly rental cost for the plane youd be considering and use that as a guideline.

rental costs (wet) will include allowances for maintence and fuel variability and be "over" enough to cover additional costs that yiu may not be able to avoid if your not at scale.

because having CentOS lead to Oracle Linux being a thing which allowed big competitor to offer what was essentially 100% compatible product to your own while undercutting your support costs.

I don't think RHEL/IBM cares about the small losses on CentOS/Rocky/Alma/etc what they found was hurting them was companies like Oracle

I don't think that's correct; AFAIK OEL has always pulled directly from RHEL sources. That is, they were a sibling, not a downstream of CentOS. I am open to the idea that CentOS was basically collateral damage as Red Hat attempted to block Oracle, but that's not the same thing.

That's what I'm suggesting - the only way RHEL could block OEL is to also kill off CentOS as we knew it.

do you have the scripts up on github?

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