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If anyone here has a Truth Social account I would like them to Truth(?) this on their account and see what the reaction is. In particular I would be keen to see if the post then becomes shadow banned. I don't have an account but am interested in testing the waters on this considering nothing is off the table for Trump's fee speech platform. And we know how sensitive he is to questions about his business acumen.

The Wikipedia article on Truth Social says that the Terms of Service used to include a clause which disallowed disparaging the service, although it was eventually removed. It wouldn't surprise me if posts which question the service would end up being censored or having their reach restricted.

> fee speech platform

That's such a great term, definitely stealing this one.

Thanks. I can't look at the leaning tower of Pisa now without smirking.

The mention of Decentraland in this article reminded me of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiZhdpLXZ8Q

The comment one viewer seems to sum it up:

They made a virtual world so boring that you can't even find weird perverts in it.

Whomsoever wins the furries will win the metaverse.

(But also, the furries are about the only people who _want_ a metaverse, as far as I can see. I'm fairly certain this is why Second Life still clings on stubbornly.)

Furries are the canaries of metaverses. As long as they are present, you can be sure corporates and HR haven't touched this world with their fingers of death

To be fair, furries are kinda the baseline of what you want to distinguish "the metaverse" from the real world. I can have meetings from home just as easily in the real world with a webcam and a Zoom call. The metaverse doesn't enhance that if all I'm doing is placing a 3D model that looks like me on a map and look at other 3D models of other people. (Plus, arguably strapping a VR brick to your face probably means it's worse than that Zoom call for physical health reasons.)

Otoh the premise of "you can use a furry avatar to represent yourself" isn't one that appeals to me, but it does show that the people making it are thinking of "how can we make this different from the real world" instead of the lazy "let's move this real world thing to digital and make it as boring as reality can be".

Oh, sure, but I suspect that furries (and a couple of other even smaller niche groups) are actually the _only_ obvious users for a full-immersion 'metaverse'-y thing (as opposed to games). As you say, no-one wants to role-play being in an office with a VR headset.

Weeb crowds are active in VR as well.

There's already a place for weird pervs and that's vr chat where there's no corporate overlords desperately trying to sanitize any weirdness out of their product.

Speaking of weird perverts, at least you can smoke in the Decentraland theater.


Thanks for sharing that, interesting video!

I wouldn't be surprised that Chrome's hook in future iterations will be that it serves like a loyalty card e.g. use Chrome and make extra savings clicking on their ads. Just don't call it a web browser.

Like Microsoft’s Rewards points and discounts program: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/rewards/

'Earn points for each search you make through Bing'

I did not know this existed.

There's something a bit sad about it.

Delete this before you give them any fresh new ideas for how to be as evil as possible.

I've got a 14 year old imac that says otherwise

Please remove your sunglasses madam https://www.ray-ban.com/uk/ray-ban-meta-smart-glasses

But keep in mind:

"His book 1421: The Year China Discovered the World, is a work of sheer fiction presented as revisionist history. Not a single document or artifact has been found to support his new claims on the supposed Ming naval expeditions beyond Africa."

-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Menzies#Criticism

I had a look into his book. It is not written very scientifically. From a review: "A true academic work would have been far more careful to distinguish between what is hard evidence and what is inference, assumption, and hypothesis."

But it is a fact that America was known and had settlements before Columbus https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L%27Anse_aux_Meadows

Known by Europeans; it's been "known" / inhabited for at least 10.000 years. As far as I'm aware there's no records of other major players visiting / "discovering" it though besides the Norse.

It was known by Polynesians for at least 1000 years before Columbus. See sweet potatoes.

Where do you think the Native Americans came from?

They are not exactly descendants of the Norse.

London, that famously Welsh city?

The point I'm making (albeit glibly) is that the perception of the public is that we shouldn't be imposing speed limits to our roads that appear too slow. However the reality is that in many places we can't even travel at the maximum speed allowed on them because of the sheer volume of traffic. I don't care either way tbh.

London is the 4th Welsh city by population

Ah scud race. I'll never forget finding that machine in a bowling alley arcade and noticing the coin feeder wasn't closed. Surreptitiously opening it to find a little button that could be pressed to automatically add a credit for free each time. That was one Saturday I'll never get back and I don't care.

Pride of place on the mantlepiece along with a Death Star and Saturn 5 lego set. Head to https://ideas.lego.com/ to realise the dream...

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