Paul mentioned that they had a way to push new API info to the clients, so I think they basically just re-registered the app as a YOLO thing to see how long until Twitter pulls the plug again.
AMS provides Apple with optical sensors for 3D facial recognition features on its newest smartphones
“We see a risk that Apple moves to dual sourcing for the face ID – which currently is single sourced from AMS - in order not to rely on deliveries from just one supplier and also in order to have a favorable pricing power,” said Hauck & Aufhaeuser analysts in a note to clients.
Would anyone have an idea how to find out which program set the timer resolution?
Would be very helpful in investigating battery drain problems.
Any ugly hack is welcome.
powercfg will indeed report on what programs have raised the timer interrupt frequency. However powercfg (and clockres) both just report on the state at a moment in time. Many programs repeatedly raise and then restore the timer interrupt frequency and powercfg utterly fails to understand this. And yet, powercfg is the best that Microsoft has supplied.
I eventually decided to write a better alternative. The batch file below (requires Python and Windows Performance Toolkit to be installed) will report on all timer interrupt changes by all processes over the time period recorded: