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If you want to stop child porn, maybe you should go after the source instead of the consumers? Even if you did stop the spread of the digital pornography you still have all the molesters and other physical abusers out there. Maybe we should expend resources on actual cops patrolling neighborhoods and keeping pedophiles in jail instead of releasing them and confining them into "safe" zones. That is if you really want to protect kids, and not hunt down perverts on the internet.

That is total bullshit. All you should really have to have in order to keep a conversation private is the intentions. Even if it's a plain text email, only myself and the recipient of the email address should have the privilege of it's contents. If you want you can agree to let the provider use an automated system to scan for keyword for ads or whatever, but no one other than the recipients and agreed upon thrid parties should have permission to read those messages and anyone else doing so should be punished by law. We need to add an amendment which augments the 1st to say this clearly.

I believe you're referring to the 4th amendment.

I totally disagree. People have the right to have private and secure conversations and we shouldn't have to give up that privacy to ensure that the government can spy on our conversations in order to catch bad guys.

Unless they put in price controls for basic goods, nothing will really change when it comes to jobs. When everyone has an extra $2,800 a month to spend across the board, what do you think will happen to prices? Why would I give you my time when I get the money for free? Business will have to pay more to encourage people to continue to work for them, and increase prices to make up the difference.

Do you still beat your wife? -VSRE

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