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It includes the flannel network plugin by default (although you can change this) and a basic service load balancer (technically not an ingress, but providing the same functionality). From the README:

> k3s includes a basic service load balancer that uses available host ports. If you try to create a load balancer that listens on port 80, for example, it will try to find a free host in the cluster for port 80. If no port is available the load balancer will stay in Pending.

Traefik is deployed for layer-7 ingress.

This sounds very similar to what you're looking for: https://thenoteboard.com/. Sadly it doesn't seem to be available right now, but it's a pocket whiteboard made up of 3x5 segments. It folds down rather than being a stack of cards, but it may work for what you're thinking of.

Hue forces updates on you every time you go into the app if there's one available, and you can't use the app until you've updated. Granted this isn't ideal if you primarily use your light switch or an amazon echo to control the lights, and fully automatic updates would probably be better, but it comes pretty close to aggressively pushing updates.

It's pretty aggressive alright. I'm working on my own (RPi-based) controller but for now, I'm still primarily using Hue app for controlling the lights at my home. So every two weeks or so, when I come home in the evening, I'm forced to sit in darkness for 10 minutes as the update installs itself (they say lights must stay powered, so I don't dare powercycle them during the update).

First world problems and all.

I use my Hue lights daily, but I haven't opened the official app in years thanks to 3P apps & Philips's own Zigbee switches.

I am very happy that my preferred third party app (Huetro, which runs on just about every device the UWP supports) checks for updates for me (and is kind enough not to nag about it but make it clear when one is available) because I never open the official app anymore (but as this article points out do need to keep things updated).

A lot of the comments here are complaining about the last point in the article (the n00b), asking how on earth you get started if you have to have presented before in order to present. The article is telling you exactly how to do that:

- Speak at local user group meetings. Most of my local meet ups are constantly calling for speakers, and it's an excellent way to get practice at presenting in a lower stress environment. It's not always small audiences either, I've seen and given talks with 50 or more attendees at a local meet up. As for getting accepted, organizers are always in need of talks, and organizers are not getting 6 submissions per month, they're usually lucky if they can fill every month with a talk, so you're much more likely to be accepted.

- Maintain a blog. Writing articles on your blog is practice for writing a talk, and gives you a steady stream of ideas that can be turned into a presentation fairly easily.

I'm going to add a couple more:

- Give a lightning talk at conferences you attend. As well as giving you practice, you are also visible to all the attendees, including people who will be selecting talks at future conferences you submit to.

- Submit to smaller, more focused or more local conferences. You can't expect to be accepted at huge popular conferences speaking in front of hundreds of people on your first try. Submitting to more focused conferences gives you a better chance of being accepted.

These steps aren't going to make it so that you're immediately accepted at large conferences, but they give you the start the article is claiming you need. And finally, if you're rejected, don't give up. Conferences do take chances on new speakers (although probably not all new speakers who submit a talk), and being rejected doesn't mean your talk is bad, or that your skills are bad, just that you didn't get it this time.

> Submit to smaller, more focused or more local conferences. You can't expect to be accepted at huge popular conferences speaking in front of hundreds of people on your first try. Submitting to more focused conferences gives you a better chance of being accepted.

And also it lets you make a fool of yourself with a smaller audience.

Very few people are good at something the first time they try it. Why do you imagine you're a great presenter the first time out? As with anything else, make your mistakes in small domains.

If you are interested in public speaking, but don't have too much practice in speaking, I highly recommend checking out a local open mic and trying out some stand up.

Easier to look a fool telling jokes than look a fool making a valid point.

edit: or Toastmasters

+1 for Toastmasters.

Among other things, Toastmasters will cure you of what ails many accomplished speakers. That is, the verbal or non-verbal tic (umm, ahh, so, like, wild gestures, hands in pocket).

will try toastmasters, thanks for the info

As with anything else, make your mistakes in small domains.

And you would be amazed at the kinds of mistakes that you can make!

A few years back I did a 3 hour tutorial at OSCON. I put a lot of effort into making sure that I had 3 hours of material I planned on presenting, with some extra I could slip in. I "presented" to an empty room and was sure of my timing.

Turns out that I speak quite a bit faster in front of a real audience. I was done in 2.5 hours, including what I planned on leaving out...

Many of us talk a bit quicker when nervous. I've only presented twice, both to a very small audience (6-10 people) for a local user group nearly a decade ago. The first time I was very nervous and self conscious. The second time, I was still somewhat nervous, but the first time is always the worst. I felt like I did rather well, with a more conversational style, the second time. Unfortunately, there's no video.

Then again, it's probably doubly cringeworthy if I did see it. Once for the mistakes I would see, and once again for the difference in how well I felt I did to what I imagine would be apparent once I could review it.

A point not to be underestimated. It's a good place to take up ad-hoc stuff, or try something that you yourself are pretty new at.

Not that I am ever likely to speak at a conference.

I'd probably add "go niche on your topic" as well. While it may put off some selection folks because it's too narrow, it can also work in your favor. I've been selected for conferences precisely because of somewhat niche topics. Now... whether anyone shows up for your talk or not... different story, but if they do, it's a signal that people may want more of that, and it feeds back to organizers.

I think it' funny that there is so much criticism about that point considering that the blog post already shows how to gain these experience points without actually having talked at conferences (by making a video, by presenting at events with lower requirements, like a meetup).

Good list, I'd add one more which is look for conferences with "rookie tracks" for new speakers.

Some of the UK Infosec conferences now have these where they pair new speakers with experienced mentors who coach them leading up to the day.

It's a good way to get new people into the speaking pool in a friendly environment and from what I've seen can produce some great talks.

The problem with these smaller groups is you have no proof you did anything there and were any good. I got rejected to PyCon one year for this very reason - and I have tons of experience speaking at smaller conferences.

(Note: The reason is not speculation as they tell you in a rejection email.)

Can't you record those talks and send them in with your proposal?

> Speak at local user group meetings.

As the primary meetup organizer for SLC Python, I wholeheartedly agree. We often have people practicing their talks in front of our group before they go onto much larger forums such as PyCon and Open West. It's also a good chance to practice public speaking and presenting complicated ideas.

> - Speak at local user group meetings. Most of my local meet ups are constantly calling for speakers

Our local python user group regularly attracts 100+ people crowds and they always have space for speakers. If you want to try dipping your toe, it's hard to screw up a 5 minute talk.

Micro HDMI. You have to go to the technical details tab to see it mentioned.

Even shorter/easier to remember version of the command (you don't have to specify the filename twice if you don't want):

    curl -T ./filename transfer.sh

Make it support PUT instead of POST with a file form field and the command becomes simplified to:

    curl -T filename http://curl.io/send/abc123

Explanation of exactly why chrome doesn't have 'Check for server certificate revocation' checked by default: https://www.imperialviolet.org/2012/02/05/crlsets.html

The short version is that it's slow and not as effective as it might seem.

If the clients trust the npm CA, can't they just sign the digicert CA with that CA and include it in the certificate chain provided by the server? That way the chain would be:

    npm CA -> digicert CA -> any other intermediates -> server cert
Clients that only trust the digicert CA (and other standard CAs) will see that and accept it because they trust the digicert CA, and clients that trust the npm CA will trust the cert also, allowing both old and new clients to work. Once (almost) everyone has upgraded, the npm root CA can be removed from the chain presented by the server. Am I missing something here?

Edit: It looks like what I'm missing is that you'd need the private key of the digicert CA to generate the request to sign with the npm CA. I was thinking about how CAs have been migrated in the past (e.g. equifax to geotrust global CA). It looks like it won't work in this case.

Edit2: Actually, it appears to work after all. I just tested with the openssl ca command, and you give it -ss_cert instead of -in for the certificate to sign a certificate instead of a request.

> Am I missing something here?

A sense of arrogance that precludes understanding x509 infrastructure before you roll out a world-breaking change.

Lets apply a bit of sense here: this was a failure of judgement, not arrogance. It's perhaps easier to picture the npm developers as maniacal villains, cackling as they wield destruction among us. But that's not the case with them, just as it is pretty much never the case with project developers.

I just picture them as cowboy coders not really aware of what it takes to build and maintain software for large enterprises, which is, unfortunately, their stated mission.

Let any developer who has never pushed an update with unintended side effects raise their hand.

This mistake was, in hindsight, a clear error in judgement. It highlights missing steps in their change deployment process. And I expect them to learn from it, as the larger Node community has shown they can learn from mistakes.

Part of joining the ranks of "enterprise"-grade projects is first being an aspiring project, and part of that is learning a lot. Anyone who expects that to happen without a few bumps is naive.

I agree with you. Everyone makes a mistake once in a while. To be successful, you should learn from it.

I don't think people think they're arrogant. I think people find them unsuited to the task at hand. If you felt that way already, this incident would have been another nail in the coffin.

Indeed! Don't forget kids, don't ever do anything if you're not already an expert.

Yes, that sounds about right. Spend the time necessary to understand before you inflict your lack of understanding on the world.

That kind of chain doesn't seem to be ubiquitously accepted. I built up something similar at https://ssltest.greenapes.com:4443. There is a self-signed CA signing a trusted CA (StartCom), which in turn is signing a valid certificate for the hostname.

The chain is accepted by Firefox and Chrome with NSS, but Safari (and Chrome on OSX) gives a self-signed warning message. I asked AGL and he thinks that it should be valid: https://twitter.com/giovannibajo/status/439746540249567232

So it looks like it should work in theory, but in practice, even if npm had attempted this, it wouldn't work on Mac.

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