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Too bad people forget how bad Mark is by any objective standard and think that’s equal to how bad they THINK Elon is.

Memory is a fascinating thing.

Or are people just thinking in relativity? Zuck's been a blinkered hype-dude not an obvious cretin over the last while. That overlaps with the idea that it's forgetfulness, but I think the area under Mark's cretinous curve is less than the area under Elon's.

I respect your insightful approach. I think it’s possible to make that argument, but I’d love to hear why you think Elon’s is even comparable. What’s your insight there?

Oh, we all have our curves that can be compared. Elon directly acts when he makes his own tweets about some BS or other. I don't recall Zuck calling anyone a pedo stiffing people for money, or lying abouth his wealthy upbringing. Early Zuck was a visible cretin too, but that was highly visible as he matured into an adult in full view of us all, while Musk's background and behavior as a white South African occurred out of our sight.

As far as their impact on society through the organizations they control, the effect is indirect and murkier, they've both got some significant area. It's not like Z is a flatline.

UPDATE: from [https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2023-07-11/matt-l...] today: > Anyway now Musk owns Twitter, after paying $44 billion for it, and he is using it to talk about the size of his penis. These facts are also related.

Just building off what you are saying and trying to find a way around it.

Possibly an alternative could be to offer a bounty on a top you use and if needs x item patched. Instead of getting an interval to do it they could offer it to candidates. This would mean these external patches that often distract internal teams in big companies but are necessary could be turned into hiring opportunities. This wouldn’t totally resolve the problem you pointed out, but perhaps it would give more companies the chance to leverage that option. No?

This basically made me disinterested in going to Reddit. I used to be a casual user, but now I can’t even delete my posts and that just is a line I won’t tolerate

I don’t believe anything the western media says, so many obvious lies that when they could be telling the truth you have to wonder at the very least how much is a lie and no I’m not saying the Russians and the rest don’t lie to, but i do have higher expectations of our media than others and I don’t think I’m alone in that expectation.

Statements like this stem from the fundamental assumption that rational order will be restored and we will eventually continue to live in a world that trends towards less authoritarianism rather than more.

In the overall scheme of history, it's still the safe bet, seems to me. The world has come back - come forward, if you will - from worse than today.

Was about to say... MSM doesn't have the best track record for things like this. Is this the "beginning of the end" for Putin just like it was the "beginning of the end" for Trump in 2016 [1]?

[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2016/04/01/...

Eventually the crimes you commit can't be brushed under the rug. Scamming Gov't for $ is different than selling your country's secrets to the Saudis. The difference being that we are still, though totally not great at it, a nation of laws.


I wish the article talked more about how to combat these techniques. I’m always trying to become more informed

I use 3.5 && 4 equally. Limitations prevail on 4, so it forces you to use both if you are a heavy user I think.

This is a good question and the move would probably precipitate a move towards an agnostic model and away from a mobile platform centric model. Let’s hope you receive a favourable answer

The person who wrote this article is rather despicable as a human being.

techbros? Rich tech? Bailing out their own sector?

Mainstream media is just disgusting how badly they do their job.

Who do they think those VCs fund? Rich tech barons? No, not even close, but we all know that and it’s just disgusting to see this article here with its totally dishonest take on the SVB situation.

SVB depositors, in large part the tech sector, have been bailed out. VCs have received a large public subsidy. VCs did not coordinate to capitalise the bank. Some VCs that lobbied for laxer prudential requirements are among those bailed out. These are facts.

I think both upstream comments are partly correct. It can be simultaneously true that:

* The vast majority of early stage startups aren't swimming in cash and the founders aren't millionaires or close to it (hence the need to raise early stage funding).

* Startup businesses are by far the #1 generator of new jobs in the U.S. economy.


* SVB's rapid crash was probably avoidable in several ways even in the final days. Different actions by management, regulators and/or major SVB customers/stakeholders could potentially have made a meaningful difference toward channeling the sudden crash into a sale or recapitalization.

* The significant environmental challenges many banks are now facing are due to the Fed making interest rates excessively low for too long and then very rapidly raising the rates. Both of these were nearly unprecedented swings which caused substantial whiplash (which many economists warned about at the time). While SVB was impacted first and worst due to their uniquely correlated risk factors and ill-fated risk management strategy, the Fed bears some responsibility for creating huge headwinds for banks.

* The Fed bailing out SVB and other banks the way they did is a short-term fix likely to cause worse systemic problems later.

I’m a web dev and I’m wondering if there is really any practical way of levelling up to become an ML Engineer. Seems there are ‘schools’ out there but based on what I read on Hacker News these places won’t remotely prepare me to make that transition.

Not complaining just would appreciate some of your thoughts on what are good options to consider to make that leap.

TBH the code behind generative stuff is "fairly" simple, I made a GAN for my Masters degree back in 2019 that produced 16x16 tile assets for x-bit styled videogames. The rough part is CREATING the math that supports the learning models, its very easy to implement it after the fact. If you have a strong data structure foundation, and are decent with math then it shouldn't be a hard transition to pick up ML. It's the flavor of the year and everywhere you look schools are hustling for your money, can't say I've tried any of them/have an opinion of them so GL with that.

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