Charities often don't value work if it's provided to them for free. If you are providing any kind of discount, make sure you show the full price of your time on your invoices, then any discounts.
Totally agreed, there's certainly a place for tools that don't need DevOps skills, and many places - typically PaaS - that take care of this.
However many developers wish to have more control over their environment than what a PaaS provides, and a lot of the tools they'd use for that - Ansible, Docker, etc - require basic DevOps skills.
I'll be more direct at saying what the post can't say:
- Historically the V8 team simply did not care about node, and would introduce breaking changes that would come as a surprise to node core
- It's better now, and V8 folk are on one of the steering committees for node. Also Google Compute Engine team needs node to work so also brings in a real business case for the V8 team to care about node
I was really slow on picking up Babel too. But I've been using Babel 5.x in production for six months without errors - main things were docs that referred to old versions of babel and babelify.
I needed to plug this in the package.json of my private modules:
But cygwin seems to have v7.1 too. Is it "just" a build that doesn't depend on cygwin.dll? (Although I can appreciate that's probably a nontrivial porting job). Genuinely curious about what's new here.
It's an early alpha build. This is "just" getting to a point where they're working on a modern codebase. MS has said that they're going to add more functionality as they develop this into a much more useful admin tool.
A half-bad Unix on top of Windows, with its own duplicate way of handling services, storage, users, permissions and everything else, is a pretty poor setup. Powershell (particularly the way it separates data from presentation) is one of the best shells on any OS. Being able to access it from Linux is a good thing.
As soon as Microsoft open sources PowerShell I'll be more than happy to take a look at it and perhaps add it to MSYS2. Until then for me and many like me, it's neither half bad nor half good, it lies orthogonal to the scale on which I judge software.
This "separate data from presentation" sounds like TCO-speak. Way too frequently referenced to be a genuine inspiration.
It's only "half bad" (if that even) because while the whole world moved on from Windows to Unix (OSX, Linux), Microsoft dug their heels in. Think of it as paying down long overdue technical debt.
> This "separate data from presentation" sounds like TCO-speak. Way too frequently referenced to be a genuine inspiration.
Huh? It's a very specific thing. When you run stuff on Powershell, you pipe it to 'select' or 'where' and pick fields, rather than running grep / sed / awk and inventing regexs to scrape stuff.
ps | where {$_.StartTime -ge $1HourAgo}
Before accusing me of 'TCO speak' and being 'ungenuine' - for mentioning something that's a well known engineering concept, particularly in the Unix world (ever used TeX?), you could have done <1 minute of research.
$ ssh mike@
mike@'s password:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.10586]
(c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Mike>powershell -File -
PS C:\Users\Mike>