I also thought to use a Trie for part two, thinking of it similarly to a typeahead problem, but I hadn't heard of Aho-Corasick.
I thought it was over-complicating a day one solution, so I ended up brute-forcing similar to above solutions. Still, it is nice to learn about this algorithm. I may come back to give it a shot and compare runtimes later. Thanks!
This sort of mirrors what my experience has been during my search. In the past, reaching out via LinkedIn or otherwise would merit a response (at least); however, in the current market, I never get a reply and in some cases I see the application is rejected. I feel like sending messages is hurting more than helping.
Likewise with follow-ups. Anytime I follow-up on an interview, I never hear back or it is rejected, so I've stopped following up after interviews completely.
What companies? Every company I've interviewed with in my loops recently have me coding in the first technical screen. I've had five of these interviews so far, various sizes. On-site is multiple levels of tech screens. And this isn't even for FAANG-exclusive companies. FWIW, I'm interviewing in a HCOL area for companies that pay well, so it may be more competitive.
People often speak of the mystical company that doesn't make you code in the interview, but I haven't come across it once in the current market.
I also don't know how comfortable I'd be joining a team that doesn't make me write code in some capacity during the loop... but I also recognize the ridiculousness of expecting correctness, optimal solutions, or the types of questions being asked. Discussing those things, sure, but expecting regurgitation is nonsense.
Hey, I've been there! Still recovering from the burnout almost a whole year later in a new role.
I encourage you to try hard to set boundaries. Only be available after hours by direct phone calls, if possible. Set boundaries on phone calls, especially when you aren't on-call (i.e., "No, I cannot help with this right now, it will have to wait until work hours."). Stop checking into e-mails and work content outside of work. Stay away from politics, news, and other potential stressors for now. Don't think that you always have to exceed expectations. Doing "okay" is an option. Failing is an option. In a start-up, I'm not sure if this logic follows, but in larger corporations it absolutely does... I'd say I wouldn't want to work at a start-up if they didn't support that though!
In the meantime (and I know this is really tough to juggle), I highly recommend seeking out a different role if you can. If they're doing it to you now, they will always do it to you. You need to get out if it's not serving you well. There are better positions out there. No promotion is worth the amount of mental recovery you'll need to do afterwards.
That's my take coming out of a similar position... YMMV, take it all with a grain of salt. Also I'm glad to hear you're seeking out therapy. It saved my life during those dark days.
It helps to hear from others who have gone through the same thing, and who have come out the other side. Glad that you made it out, and hopefully I will too soon.
but the problem with Spotify is that they have not touched this arbitrary limit, there's no option to increase limits, and this has been this way since 2012, so it is by design.
And quite frankly, from a Software perspective, 10k entries in a database as a limit in 2018 feels small... especially when you consider how many people even listen to 10k entries in the first place. most have no clue about this arbitrary limit because they never hit it.
All I'm saying is that changing 10k to 100k is a significant difference in terms of music, and doesn't feel like it should be a significant difference in terms of data storage.
I think these people are referring to those visible on the streets, and not living out of their car or in the shadows of homelessness. Oftentimes in Seattle the people who are visible are unfortunately in the worst shape, mentally or otherwise.
I believe that without proper financial aid, it may not be possible for everyone to pursue further education.
It's possible to do this, in fact, this is what I did; however, there is a lot more to a college degree than just the loans. You still need to be able to afford college living, food, expenses, etc., and anything which is not covered by loans each semester (which sometimes can be put on a private loan if you're fortunate enough to be able to get someone to cosign for you). I worked all throughout college and still barely made the cut. I had to stop going one year due to financial pressure but was fortunate enough to be hired for a paid co-op internship. This allowed me to save more and continue/finish my degree.
Just offering my perspective, you may or may not already see this.
Ya that's totally all true. But, to my understanding, you can use college loans to pay for living expenses, and you can also get a part time job. Having a part time job through college used to be quite common.
I don't doubt that it's substantially harder for people who lack financial resources, but it doesn't seem that much harder to me. It seems well within the realm of ordinary stuff that is is a bit more difficult. I admit that maybe there is an aspect of it that I don't understand, but what I see here is both you and this guy seeming to say it was difficult, but then you both managed to do it.
My perspective on a lot of this is that there is a whole generation of kids who went to college with the promise that what they majored in was irrelevant - that they should pursue their passion and things would just work out, because the important thing was going to college. So they majored in things like English, Philosophy, and Psychology. And then they graduated with those degrees expecting the world to pay them a comfortable six figure salary. Except that nobody wanted those skills. Even worse, they took on debt to do it. So upon graduation with a fine mastery of medieval English literature, they found themselves saddled with debt and no job prospects.
People like you and the other guy in this thread, on the other hand, did exactly the right thing. You took on a level of debt that was commensurate with the earning power of the degree you obtained. That's how this is supposed to work. You look at the value you can get out of the degree, and you compare that to the cost of obtaining it, and if a > b, you do it. That worked out for you not because you were lucky, but because you made the right decisions and you put in the effort required to realize the benefits.
I thought it was over-complicating a day one solution, so I ended up brute-forcing similar to above solutions. Still, it is nice to learn about this algorithm. I may come back to give it a shot and compare runtimes later. Thanks!