I’ve read the news posted here a couple of days ago regarding the new Text-to-Speech powered by DeepMind WaveNet technology from Google and I had to add it for my favorite site, so here it is.
After it’s installed there will be a little play button near the minimize one, which reads the comment. It also works by selecting a text and clicking the extension button.
This extension doesn’t use any Google Cloud Key whatsoever, I didn’t know how to add one, so if someone is willing to help me, I’d appreciate it. I would guess it doesn’t work for long without it.
- I know the video view can't be full screen, I couldn't make it work. I even asked on stackoverflow with no success.
- The same thing when you press random is a bit annoying, I agree, but I didn't think that would be a big problem. I will definitely change that in the update.
- I wanted the main page to be as simple as possible, for the user to have that 'oh, what does this button do' and have the 'look what I found' moment. I will change that also since it didn't do what I intended.
- I honestly don't know what to change at the Quiz layout. If you can give me some suggestions, that would be great.
- Low frame rate? That's odd, I'll look into it.
- I wanted to have some games in the app as well and these are the simplest I could find and modify. The counter is a bit too much, I agree.
Thanks again, your feedback will surely be used in the update.
Did not think of letting the users submit something.
Probably not, since I want this app opened and getting to some content as fast as possible. I know it has nothing to do with what you asked, but it seems too complicated for this kind of app.
If the app is liked and being used, content will be added.
I understand that I need a better landing page, but my real problem is getting users to see my app. I suck at marketing and when this HN post will fade out, I'm sure nobody will at least look at the app anymore.
I'm currently doing a video overview of the app and slowly making people to like my facebook page. Is there anything more that I can do? Writing a blog post is the next thing on the list.
I was afraid that the description and the screenshots are not explanatory enough, but it seems you pretty much got it.
Do you have any suggestions on what can I change for people to understand the app better?
I’ve read the news posted here a couple of days ago regarding the new Text-to-Speech powered by DeepMind WaveNet technology from Google and I had to add it for my favorite site, so here it is.
After it’s installed there will be a little play button near the minimize one, which reads the comment. It also works by selecting a text and clicking the extension button.
This extension doesn’t use any Google Cloud Key whatsoever, I didn’t know how to add one, so if someone is willing to help me, I’d appreciate it. I would guess it doesn’t work for long without it.
Also, you can write your email in this quick list I’ve made to know that I’m not the only one using this thing: https://goo.gl/forms/0lg7ckp9PoqiEadT2