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Thank you all for your inputs and really interesting opinions and point of views. Appreciate it people :) I know mental toughness can't be learnt sitting at home reading a book, a combination of reading and maybe some physical, gruelling activities goes a long way in improving mental toughness. Putting yourself through that physical pain is a must.

Yes, I am a great believer that setting and achieving tough physical challenges can do wonders for your mental toughness. A marathon for example is well within the physical capabilities of most people, but many have not got the mental toughness to see the training through - getting up at 5.00am and heading out in the rain and dark of November is pure mental toughness. When tackling a modest mountain like Snowden or Scafell Pike in foul weather conditions it is primarily mental toughness that keeps you going when hail is lashing your face and all you want to do is go home and throw some logs on the wood-burner. You can build that mental toughness though just as you can your leg muscles.

I agree with the physical and mental connection. I use a kettlebell daily because of the combination of cardio and resistance training. Pavel's Enter the Kettlebell is a great source of inspiration for toughness.

so true....

1. The power of a positive no 2. Black box thinking 3. Difficult conversations 4. Transcending loss 5. Braving the wilderness 6. Motherless daughters 7. The happy medium 8. Deep work 9. The golden sayings of Epictetus 10. The best interface is no interface 11. 101 essays that will change the way you think 12. Leaders eat last

Will keep adding more as I remember. Hope this helps :)

Yeah...video based and also sort of like a gif wherein you can show how stuff is happening? I am sorry if I am being naive but I am not a techie.

Would love to know more about these actual examples and see how these work.

A good examples is Timerdoro.com which uses custom post types to manage objects and social signin for rapid on-boarding. I would not build that by hand.

Another new site is plugindirectory.info. The core of the app talks to an api and charts the results. It took me about 20 hours to build. I didn't have to create pages, user management (registration etc), curl calls, db schema, and so much else. The core of the app took a couple hours, then I just concentrated on the code that actually makes the app.

Thanks for taking the time to answer. Appreciate it. :)

Sure. Email me through gelform.com if you want to discuss more.

I actually saw your talk and found it really helpful. Thanks for sharing :)

Interesting. What do you think WP will be like in the coming years even if it is stagnating?

Maybe lookup the definition of stagnating.

Thank you guys. Really appreciate for taking time to answer this.

no problem, if you're already using PHP for WordPress development I would highly recommend checking out the Laravel framework for app development.

Laracasts.com is a great place to get started learning about it.

Sorry, I should have been more specific. After some googling...SaaS + WordPress sounds interesting to me. So, I want to explore how SaaS startups can leverage this framework. Since wp is open source and startups have to operate on a shoe-string budget, it would be interesting to know how one can build a SaaS with WordPress. Are there any real-world, existing examples for this. Thanks.

There are some examples out there. (see links below)

I would recommend only using Wordpress for the public facing website or blog though.

Use Rails or Laravel for the actual SaaS application.

WP is difficult to work with when you start moving beyond CMS features. Also WP has ongoing security issues.

Rails and Laravel are made for building apps, is easier to work with and more secure. Also checkout Laravel Spark, it's a SaaS App in a box and can save you tons of time.

Definitely possible to build it directly in WP, but I wouldn't recommend it.




It depends on the SAAS and what they are trying to do. Do you have an example?

If it revolves around:

1. Serving content

2. Selling things (on a small scale)

then wordpress would be a good platform. However if you're looking to build a SAAS that does more than that and requires custom models, interfacing with different technologies on the back end etc. then you're in for a world of hurt trying to conform wordpress. You're much better going with a framework like Laravel.

Wordpress is a good tool if your use case falls within the WP core or available plugin ecosystem.

Thanks. This helps because I have operated under a lot of limitations from client, he won't understand designing from a conversion point of view. That's why I did try to give my best. I was also told that an intervention from another designer is necessary.

Can't seem to open this site.

one look at n-gate and it looks promising. Thanks.

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