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Along the similar approach in defamiliarization, there's also Chindogu: https://www.tofugu.com/japan/chindogu-japanese-inventions/

An excellent intro to geometric algrebra

Yes, canvas is faster and I think d3 now supports canvas too, right?

d3 will give you a lot more support for data manipulations, but (if I may say so) creating highly customized visualizations can be easier in Pts.

I think it should be possible to use both d3 and Pts together. If you experiment with this approach, please let me know how it goes!

It's difficult to compare.

I love processing/p5 and it's very easy to learn and has a vibrant community and lots of add-ons. It's also a great education tool.

Pts is a more opinionated library because one of my personal motivations was to create something that can help me think and approach creative coding in conceptual ways. It's more composable, and it provides the building blocks for a complementary library that I'm building now. :)

What are you doing in the complimentary library? This is awesome work BTW.


The scrolling seems like a bug that was related to recent changes. I opened an issue here: https://github.com/williamngan/pts/issues/140

Hi HN, Pts is one of my late-night personal projects :)

Thanks for posting. Happy to answer any questions.

Thanks for creating such a great tool!

I used Pts around a year ago to make a music visualizer for an art class, it was really great for that use-case and I was really happy about my final result.

I'm excited for the future of your work and the future of the greater creative coding community.

Also while I can still edit: iirc the documentation is high quality. I was able to get a basic prototype working really fast, and the docs were extremely helpful.

Thank you so much. I would love to see the visualizer you made!

Really glad to hear the docs are working as intended too.

Nothing to ask, just would like to congratulate ya for building this library, really high quality stuff.

People often compare it to P5, but somehow the first thing that came to mind when looking at it the first time (probably over a year ago) was D3, and that's some pretty high praise in my book haha

Thank you! It started as a somewhat speculative personal project so I'm really grateful to hear that it resonates with you and others.

I'm building another library on top of this -- it's moving at a very slow pace so hopefully I can release it one day :D

Super, super cool project. Are you available for a small side gig building a custom animation with Pts or something like that? At a glance I love the framework but I'm not sure I can figure out how to use it to build what I want.

TikTok left Hong Kong because HK is a tiny market, and they wouldn't want the PR backblash if they had to share HK data with CCP.

There's evidence that Bytedance is not independent of CCP interferences though - such as the CEO's public statement in 2018 where he stated that Bytedance products should support "socialist core values" etc.


Or maybe they left so that HK users must switch to the app for the Chinese-market, the one that definitely shares stuff with the CCP?...

In 2018, Bytedance CEO released a public statement after an incident with the CCP censor. In that statement, he promised that Bytedance apps would strengthen "the work of Party construction" and "socialist core values" etc.


I don't know how Bytedance as a company can serve CCP interests AND claim to be independent of CCP interference at the same time.

TikTok is a good product, but it may not be a safe product.

More on the dystopian practices of Douyin (TikTok in China): https://twitter.com/Izzy_Niu/status/1280906443273768960 https://twitter.com/JoshuaDummer/status/1280877750245453828

My favorite quote from Klee: "Art does not reproduce the visible but makes visible."

His shorter Pedagogical Sketchbook is also worth a read.

Reminds me of that W. B. Yeats poem that also seems relevant for the world we're heading towards:


When Loie Fuller’s Chinese dancers enwound

A shining web, a floating ribbon of cloth,

It seemed that a dragon of air

Had fallen among dancers, had whirled them round

Or hurried them off on its own furious path;

So the platonic Year

Whirls out new right and wrong,

Whirls in the old instead;

All men are dancers and their tread

Goes to the barbarous clangour of a gong.

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