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I definitely point and call to myself when doing deploys and running DB migration scripts... just to make sure I'm not changing production when I don't mean to.

HART (the light rail system they're building) is a complete disaster, for the same reasons.

I can't see the government there being able to handle much of any major infrastructure project. The airport expansion is moving at a glacial pace as well. And it's a miracle the H3 ever got built.

This sounds really great, and I think that this will open up a new frontier in winemaking.

One question I have is how you plan to replicate terroir. TA, Brix & pH are great indications of when to harvest but drainage, soil composition, sun direction, duration, diurnal temperature swings, seasonal temperature patterns, wild microbes, etc. all have a significant effect on the outcome of the wine.

For those who aren't into winemaking: the most enduring, famous wines such are not just famous because of winemaking technique but because of the specific place - even down to the rows of vines - the grapes are sourced from.

Assuming consistent winemaking technique from a cellarmaster, when you get to the point where you can control all those variables and get to the outcome you want at the individual vine level, then comes blending, which takes flavor profiles from wines made from various plots and/or vineyards and selects for specific flavor profiles to make up the final wine.

So, you'd have to achieve what you're proposing at scale as well as with variation across different "lots" so that you can "replace the vineyard" for a given winemaker.

Just food for thought, I like the idea but I think there's more thought that needs to go into your product development and target market.

They say that wines are made in the vineyard, and that has been true for a long time, but with modern techniques, it's hard to tell if a wine was made in the vineyard, the cellar, or in the lab.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Indoor growing would allow us to replicate certain conditions that vineyard managers want. Vine nutrient stresses, water stresses, direct light exposure, swings in temp, all doable using hydroponics in a greenhouse. We might even set up different greenhouses for different varieties, or for different levels of berry maturity. As I understand it, most of the different flavors between wines of the same variety come from decisions made during the winemaking process. You can make two very different tasting wines from the exact same grapes (they did this experiment at UC Davis). Choice of yeast, fermentation temperature, maceration time etc. all contribute as you mentioned. My goal is not to replace the vineyard, as I need a source for the cuttings :). This would just augment what they already have for now.

Before 9/11 we could easily tour an ATC facility with a group of pilots - tower, center, tracon - under Project Raincheck. Not sure if they've started that back up again or not, but it was definitely eye opening.

Edit: Just read the section under "Line Up And Wait" and lol'ed to myself when I saw this:

"Do not authorize an aircraft to LUAW if an aircraft has been cleared to land, touch−and−go,stop−and–go, option, or unrestricted low approach on the same runway."

I'm pretty sure SFO lines up aircraft on the 28's and simultaneously clears someone before the San Mateo bridge to land, while waiting for a landing aircraft to clear the runway.

They absolutely can clear someone to land while traffic is still taking off on the runway. Generally they will have the landing traffic go around if they can’t get the taking off traffic off fast enough. I believe somewhere they can also land traffic with traffic still on the runway if they have three thousand feet of clearance.

It's a bit out of date as far as some regulations go, but I am a big fan of Rod Machado's Private Pilot Handbook. Really simple but rich explanations of most of the concepts in a digestible way.

I love the DA-40, it was definitely a step up in capability from the 172 after I got my ticket. But the one time I flew it through the Mojave I definitely felt the DA-40's roots as a glider, I got pretty tossed around!

throttle (v.): (1) to compress the throat of; choke (2) to kill by such action

What about using "block" and "spam" reporting? Are enough people using these features?

We've gotten off track. I was referring to my interactions with people IRL and the joke about "throttling" was just playing of the parent comment. I'm not actually considering violence, just sick of people telling me "it's no big deal" when for me, it's a VERY big deal.

Understandably, as you are in a risky position. But that doesn't mean everybody else is to. Nor does it mean that panic will do any good.

IRL makes sense. My [clearly wrong] assumption was that we're referring to online discussions.

I think relying on the good will of the masses as volunteers is like bringing a knife to a gun-fight. The opposing side does disinformation for profit[1] and has a budget for it.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22526530

So how can someone do that on a platform such as Twitter?

Edit: I did expect a serious response to this from someone that might know more about effectively delivering feedback to the algorithms that display this content. Frankly, it seems like the nonchalant responses(to say the least) are contributors to why this misinformation continues to proliferate.

It's not actually meant literally.

BTW, some internet lore:

"The social dynamics of the net are a direct consequence of the fact that nobody has yet developed a Remote Strangulation Protocol." -- Larry Wall

My interactions have been in person. Even friends and family who know I have a compromised immune system seem to "forget in the moment". It's baffling.

hyperbole: noun

exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

You can unfollow people or smash their devices with an axe[1], or anything in between. It's up to your imagination.

[1]: https://www.orneryboy.com/comic?sort=29

Exactly this. An infrared flare from a missile launch, seen from a launch detection satellite, looks exactly the same, 20kt or 450kt warhead.

I'm pretty sure that only applies to ballistic missiles though. Cruise missiles probably don't show up on those satellites, and even if they did, how would you differentiate a nuclear armed cruise missile from a conventional cruise missile? There is also the matter of nuclear torpedoes, bombs dropped from planes, bombs placed by special forces (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Atomic_Demolition_Muni...), nuclear artillery shells (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W48), recoilless guns (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davy_Crockett_(nuclear_device)), etc.

The OP was about sub-launched ballistic missiles - I was trying to make the point that when a ballistic missile flies from a sub, you cannot tell the yield, and the potential hair trigger-response will be the same regardless of yield.

This type of weapon is essentially destabilizing, as the article said.

I agree with you on other weapons, the flight profile will be vastly different.

Called off due to high winds above the limit for first flight.

(2 days in a row)

Its been windy and rainy in the area all week.

On MacOS, iTunes/Finder stores (optionally) encrypted backups at

   ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup
I was thinking of creating a symlink to Dropbox, for instance and having my cloud backup there. I don't know if the backups are incremental which could be a storage problem, but that can be managed through some scripting.

Since we hold the key it's a blob nobody can get to without brute forcing it.

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