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How does Prisma compare to EdgeDB? Pros and cons? I have limited experiences with DBs and ORMs, but EdgeDB looks very interesting.

I am not very familiar with EdgeDB but it is quite different to Prisma. EdgeDB is a database while Prisma is a database client. EdgeDB do provide their own clients to interface with the EdgeDB database but with Prisma you can connect to many different databases, e.g. PostgreSQL, SQLite, MongoDB etc

That's correct. Prisma is an ORM with all the pros and cons of being one. EdgeDB, on the other hand, is a brand new graph-relational database server, built on PostgreSQL.

ORMs have the ability to work with multiple RDBMS implementations, but for that they trade away expressive power and efficiency. Prisma is fairly slow, especially when your query is fetching multiple relationships, because it does multiple DB roundtrips to fetch parts of the result and reconstitutes it on the client. ORM APIs are generally very limiting, as there is no general way of doing server-side computation (e.g. do a comparison on a substring of a string property or simply do arithmetic).

EdgeDB does not have these problems, because its query language, EdgeQL, is designed to be efficiently embeddable into a programming language without any loss of expressive power or performance. At this moment we have a fully-featured TypeScript/JavaScript builder [1], with Python and Go coming soon.

[1] https://www.edgedb.com/docs/clients/01_js/index#the-query-bu...

(Full disclosure: I work on EdgeDB)

Wow, did not know about XQuery. Can you point to some resources explaning how one would use it as a SSG?

I only read the specification. It covers every there is in XQuery

I searched around and found this article: https://www.gnu.org/software/qexo/XQ-Gen-XML.html

And here is the source of my website using it: https://github.com/benibela/site

Thanks, this is fascinating!

Norwegian politicians are required by law to only use official channels of communication (government email, phone etc) when discussing anything related to their public service. Citizens can demand to get access to these communications, even anonymously. This has made it possible for regular citizens to uncover both small and big abuses of power through the years, most recently exemplified by a close connection between the Police and a private anti-drug-lobby organization that has had a big influence on drug policy for decades.

I have, however, heard that apps like Signal has become more common among politicians, but using it for official business is still illegal.

> Norwegian politicians are required by law to only use official channels of communication

Is it really enforacble? What are the sanctions for breaking the law?

What if someone says it's a national secuirty matter?

Scenario nr 1: You are a misiter and you are discussing possible scenarios about a given event (let say something like an abortion). Should pulbic have full access to it?

Scenario nr 2: You are a minister and you are negotiating a new factory in your country. Foregin corporation wants to keep it secret before the deal is reached. How can you communicate?

If politians would be given a device from the deep state to handle all communication then they would have to use is exculsivly, you are givin the deep state an enormous power.

> Foregin corporation wants to keep it secret before the deal is reached. How can you communicate?

Foreign corporation wants to do X but X is banned in country.

We don't accept that for minimum wages, discrimination laws, pollution laws, etc. Why should communication laws be any different?

But there are law that limit the communications e.g. insider trading.

Imagine a public corporation that wants to build a factory, but wants to keep to secret for now, cause they don't want the competition to know or affect the share price.

The law ("Offentlighetsloven") is quite nuanced and take into account a lot of different situations and edge cases. The law does not only apply to politicians, but to every public servant in any position.

The law is available in Norwegian here, if you want to run it trough a machine translation service and have a look: https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/nou-2003-30/id38285...

If it's a national security matter then they should definitely be using the official channels.

I was so exited when I tried out Astro yesterday! Their announcement about taking VC money dampens my exitment considerably. VC money almost always means that there will be a less-then-ideal monetization of the project down the road, somehow.

How do they plan to monetize a framework for developers? I know that frameworks like Laravel has built convenient services around their project to earn money, and that I have no problem with. But will such a model be enough to satisfy Astros investors? These are questions I woud like to see answered.

Here in Norway it is common knowledge to not head out into a winter storm or driving over a mountain pass without having a full(ish) tank / charge. It is advised to bring warm blankets, clothes, water and some food. Getting stranded at a moutainpass or in a tunnel waiting for a storm to clear enough to allow the plough truck to lead the way is routine in the winter, it is the rule and not the exeption.

Of course there are always some who do not head the warnings, but they are the exeption to the rule.

This winter we also experienced a sudden heavy snowfall in the south of Norway, which took thousands of drivers by suprise and caused a 10 hour long traffic jam on one of the main highways. Some electric car owners where running low, but to my knowledge they all made it out without getting stranded.

Being prepared is a cultural aspect of winter driving and avoids most problems independent of the energy source used by the car. One advatage of electric cars is their ability to keep warm for hours without expelling any co2, wich have caused some horrible tragedies where people have been poisened due to the fact that the car has been patrly snowed in, trapping the exhaust.

Well Virginia ain't Norway. This happens a couple times a decade. People don't tend to prepare that well for shit that happens a couple times a decade.

Here at least they don't. Maybe in Norway.

I switched from Arch (btw!) To Fedora last year and it has been an awesome experience. Highly recommended! 10 years of Arch has thought me alot and I have enjoyed i3 and sway, but now I needed an OS that just works.

Nice to hear that Framework plays well with Fedora, it will definitely be the next laptop I buy (if they ever start shipping to Norway).

did you ever try Manjaro?

Yes, some years ago during a distro jump. Went back to Arch pretty fast, like all the other times I went through a distro-curious phase. Fedora 35 has been the only distro where I have not been crawling back to arch within weeks.

I just read a book from 1854 covering a dry agricultural topic. To my suprise, the language was more poetic and rich than most modern prose! It was a delight to read and never felt contrived or difficult to follow. Extending our personal vocabulary can spice up a text ... just make sure it doesn't get too spicy.

How is IPv6 coverage in the email provider landscape these days? I guess it would be easier to build up a decent IP reputation if it was on a "virgin" IPv6 address used only for this purpose, and not tainted by prior use etc.

IPv6-only for email is probably still a pipe dream, I guess...

> I guess it would be easier to build up a decent IP reputation if it was on a "virgin" IPv6 address used only for this purpose, and not tainted by prior use etc.

IP addresses (especially IPv6) are ephemeral, email providers know that. Just about every email service has a TTL on IP reputation.

Usually, if an email is DKIM signed (and aligned) then domain reputation is used as the key indicator, the sender IP becomes less relevant in that situation.

Obviously, each implementation is different. There are no silver bullets here.

But what I'm trying to say here is: do not worry about inheriting a 'tainted' IP address. With the limited number of IPv4 addresses available, and the huge volume of spam, just about every publicly available IP would have been 'tainted' by now.

It's pretty bad - nobody is really doing it.

On the plus side, since it's all pretty fresh - you can do things like "MUST be DKIM signed from an aligned reverse DNS" on IPv6 and have a chance of it working.

> It's pretty bad - nobody is really doing it.

I'm curious how you came to that conclusion.

Messo's question above made me curious, so I just did a quick query on the database of Mailhardener. >99% of email coming from Gmail is delivered over IPv6 (from ~10k samples).

This appears to be provider specific though. For example: Yahoo seems to mail exclusively over IPv4, Zoho also IPv4. Most exchange based services appear to prefer IPv6. Microsoft 365 also uses IPv6.

So your conclusion doesn't really reflect what I am seeing in our database. Obviously, we process mostly DMARC reports, so maybe regular email is more IPv4 biased to support mail services that are not IPv6 capable.

That ... is actually an awesome idea! The condition for getting a domain name should be to have a public consumption and battery status page.

Which anybody could fake - literally pointless tld. What business could benefit from this?

It would be quite entertaining for one to watch the large solar manufacturers have to put their money where their mouth is for their entire public facing websites if they want a .solar domain

encouraging innovation, dont be so negative

What a great read! I have been playing with DLNA equipment lately and have found that, while extremely niche, is still alive and quite flexible for the few of us who like to curate local copies of our own music.

I do sometimes pirate music, but I have found that buying used CDs at thrift-shops and at Discogs is cheap (and much more fun!) and lets me rip to FLAC with my own preferences.

I've found discogs to be especially dangerous to my wallet. It's extremely tempting to pick up <$10 cds and rip them.

Check out FireStream, it's a modern DLNA server for macOS: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/app/firestream-upnp-dlna-med...

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