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Part of the medical evacuation. This is bad.

There are plastic covers you can place on cameras. The nurse is helping by sharing someone's story which is in line with their goals of care. Your comment isn't helpful and based upon your other comments, your contributions don't really fit on hackernews.

They have quite a few other rude, dismissive responses on this thread. Turned me away from their product.

Maybe I'm being rude, but if you miss the chance to use Note Garden for that reason, I'll call you an idiot.

I’m an idiot that isn’t going to use your product because I decide what to use based on more calculations than just if the product is good. I also consider license, philosophy and politics. Telling people they are idiots is not a good sales pitch. You should walk away from this thread.

I'm sorry then... I withdraw my words

Would you please try the app out...?

Salesman of the year award goes to ….

I tried the software and then when I opened an app the screen became full of windows. Never seen that before. I have to stop the computer. So I desinstalled it. That seem a good reason to not use it to me.

How does one learn how to make these? I really like them!

Download Inkscape[0] and the world is your oyster :)

[0] https://inkscape.org


I logged into HN so I can reply to your post. Thank you so so much for sharing. I can relate to your story in so many ways.

Thank you my friend. And I'm very sorry that you can relate. It's a tough thing, to say the least.

I don't see where they are arguing that. Are you referring to absorption and/or metabolic dysfunction?

Just posting a link without commentary makes it hard to know what point you're trying to make. The CDC related vaccine safety tracker shows no difference in baseline miscarriage rates so I don't think that link is very accurate.

[1] https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/meetings/downloads/slides-...

This comment isn't helpful. Could you support it with instances of when they took action versus when they didn't? Currently, you only posted your opinion.

I can only post my opinion. Although I did join Parler and explored it this summer I haven't followed it closely or used it much. I did read their terms and conditions.

What I do know is that Facebook played a far larger role in the organization of the #stopthesteal demonstrations and the associated capitol security failures earlier this month but have received no sanctions.


This comment doesn't contribute to the discussion. What evidence would be helpful?

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