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1. Thanks for the feedback! I think that's a really great point. We believe it is also important to optimize for the developer that wonders if a library will work on everything if they use it.

When we help people, people tend to be confused when a library fails to work on Android and not iOS, and vice versa. We should do a better job about communicating this is a smart way.

2. Our intention was to help the React Native community. In the hypothetical: native.directory could be filled with libraries that aren't compatible with Expo and it would be fine with us. Expo happens to care a lot about React Native and is also a part of this community. There is no disingenuous motive behind our intent.

You should still at least list that this is a project from Expo. A tagline like: "From your friends at Expo" would be sufficient. It is important to note this as you include Expo as a compatibility platform on this site when other React native registries, https://js.coach/react-native & https://github.com/jondot/awesome-react-native, do not. Just be honest about why you are doing that.

Great point, thanks for the clarification.

We launched this website to help anyone find React Native libraries. We think its helpful because its not always clear what you can use.

If you want to see the code, feel free to do what you want with it here: https://github.com/expo/react-native-libraries

Let us know how we can help you!

Awesome! Does it follow a similar pattern of finding libraries as https://js.coach/, or is it a more manual process because of the curation?

It is a manual process right now

We ask people to add libraries, and when they submit a PR they need to specify whether or not it works on Web, Android, iOS, and Expo.

I got really excited until I realized I couldn't use JavaScript. Over the last year I got super passionate about making the smallest JavaScript bundle size possible with RiotJS or Preact.

I guess they really mean the old school 'website' (like the html 1.0 strict days), so maybe a html document with everything inline and no special fonts.

You can use JavaScript, just not JavaScript libraries.

Not true. JS libraries simply count against your 10kB. In the past, they may have been "free resources"

So what does this mean?: "In order to encourage folks to use native JavaScript functionality and keep their project as slim as possible, this year we’ve chosen to remove JavaScript libraries from the “free resource” camp."

You could previously include JS libraries and they didn't count against the 10k limit. now they do. EDIT: Somehow, since lazy-loading not strictly required stuff apparently doesn't? (https://a-k-apart.com/faq#size)

You can lazy load libraries for sure. I would still keep those to a minimum, including only what you need. For instance, don’t load all of jQuery if you only need one feature. And use native JavaScript code when you can get away with it—dataset instead of data(), querySelectorAll() instead of $(), etc.

I usually supplement the interview with a take home project, because front end web dev (emphasis on web) is about building interfaces and managing state really well and that is hard to test in an hour!

Some of the more domain specific stuff is about building a scalable components library that your team can use, testing your code, building assets in the most elegant way possible (gulp, webpack, grunt). So make sure you're very honest with your resume!! (dishonesty is bad).

For the case of front end web, here is what I would ask from the top of my head (thinking aloud):

- A good interview will have some pair programming. I usually like to give a very simple mock. These mocks will have a simple task where I will ask you to implement me a two column layout, or a popup window. Therefore I'd like to see that you have strong fundamentals of CSS, HTML, and Basic DOM manipulation using JavaScript. Nice interviewers will allow the use of google!

- You should understand how a network request and response works. I'll probably ask you to teach me what an AJAX request is to start. I hope to have a good conversation because I forget things often and like to learn from others.

- I will probably ask you what are some ways to implement components that won't produce side effects in a large codebase.

- I will probably ask you questions about how you plan to work with Design and other product stakeholders to ensure that you're able to iterate quickly on the front end. This is because requirements and design changes frequently (more common with companies that are focused on product versus growth/retention).

- I will ask you how you approach testing, and how do you ensure your interface will work cross browser, cross device.

- If you're really a generalist and you have no front end experience but a lot of other programming experience, I'll probably ask you to serialize a network response with JSON, where you'll create a map of ids and their resources (for fast access!) and walk through an object tree to do this. We can probably pseudo code this if you've never touched JavaScript and know nothing about its data structures (this jon snow case is rare, like jon snow).

- If you're really junior I'll ask you a generic algorithm question because I'm probably going to train you on the job anyways. No one should be punishing junior people for being junior with stupidly difficult domain specific questions. Don't work somewhere where they punish you for being junior because they won't realize how much potential you have (you have a lot).

Last note: Good luck and have fun, remember to be yourself and try your best.

There is room for both the passionate and non-passionate developer.

Because passion doesn't necessarily equate to skill. Passion looks like an eagerness to be immersed in a topic and invest time in that topic. Some people work out of necessity and not necessarily passion (maybe just passion to make a living, pay the bills, and support their families).

What actually matters is that you:

- follow through with your promises and claims to your team or manager/boss/founder/yourself

- you leave things better than you found them

- you're reliable

If you adequately do those things, there is plenty of room for you, passion or no passion.

I'd agree with that.

My dad was a fast jet pilot, I grew up on RAF bases watching jets fly overhead, as a scout I worked at air shows. It was all I wanted to do, but unfortunately I was too tall to make the entry requirements.

I'm 34 and still haven't really got past that. As a student I looked for job adverts for well paid positions and decided that I'd look to become a contract Java developer in London on an income that would put me in the top 1% in the UK. It took me 5 years and I didn't have to go to London. Many of my peers are still struggling to get a mortgage with some looking at 40 year terms. While I have one, I have the funds to pay it off. Now my family are financially secure I can start taking on fixed price work with more risk and more reward; building out a business and getting away from a cripplingly sedentary job is the next goal.

I think you need commitment (amongst other aspects) and passion is one vehicle to achieve that, I'd imagine a more rewarding one, but it's not the only one.

Get your sports pilot license.

Add just a tiniest of a hint of nice personality, and then this is a description of a extremely valued team member :-)

This looks so useful, I feel like people make requests for this kind of data all the time. Automating this just feels smarter.

Wow I love this so much. The attention to detail is incredible. Unfortunately using hydra.exe forces me to have to refresh but I bet that's probably intended!

I'm really happy this developer stuck through and made this game. It's really inspiring and it shows that not all projects have to be motivated by external motives. Sometimes you just want to make something because it matters to you.

"Invest in reusable training materials to onboard new engineers."

So important! Doing this really helps keep people on page and limits the amount of time spent arguing about semantics or why we came to a certain decision.

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