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Hey, I am a leandomainsearch user. Thanks for building.

You bet!

While I appreciate Indeed sponsoring, but why $420? Are you kidding Indeed?

Your entire business is build around web scraping and using libraries to pull data from other sources. Common, you can do better!

Picking on one of the few companies that did contribute something will not help the cause. If more of the companies did likewise there would be real money in FOSS instead of peanuts.

Thank you Indeed (and others on the list, especially Spotify).

Edit: toned down a bit.

This is exactly why it's better to not participate. When you participate and people see your name they'll give you grief.

This is the Copenhagen Interpretation of Morality.

Some discussion of this phenomenon here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31720356

Man, How do you remember all this stuff? - "Copenhagen Interpretation of Morality"

Thanks for posting this.

420 is a weed joke.

In many cases it is difficult to get funding for ad-hoc donations such as this, let alone the authorization to do it on behalf of the company.

I wouldn't be surprised if that effort was driven by a single employee.

Some companies give employees an annual budget to be directed to charitable donations.

I've found that companies that do offer that often restrict it to an established list of charities, which is understandable but means you cannot donate to a random guy in Ukraine maintaining a vital open source project.

Well, thanks to the employee whoever it was

Most likely as a joke, such as $69. Posting publicly as an "inside" joke and to be seen with this sense of humor.

Google/Fitbit refunded entire price of Ionic watch when they found out that there were issues with battery.

Apple under Tim Cook has gone into a state where it doesnt care about the customer.

The whole no adapter thing moved the entire industry into suck a Scam-Customer state that even Trimmer companies are not offering adapters.

Apple is spoiling entire electronics industry.

I will keep typing 'i' in my keyboard, and it will instead type 'ii'

Apple - You need to send a full refund for manufacturing such as pathetic laptop.

I agree on one point: Apple should be refunding a fractional laptop value to anyone who bought a device with the butterfly keyboard. This is a pretty underwhelming agreement.

I disagree on your other point: I think Apple absolutely did the right thing removing the charger. Everyone's got a charger at this point, and making it a nominal option during the purchase of the device would be good enough.

And in fact, I think the law should be that anything that can be charged by a Lightning/USB-* charger should be. I recently acquired a rechargeable flossing device, and an electric razor and I see no reason why these should have their own proprietary chargers.

I agree on the point that we should have our own charger/adapter. But I would love to do that when every company follows the same standard.

European Government and few of the Asian government's are enforcing companies to follow a single standard. Hope this will help us move toward a universal standard

Let's leave USB for the computers and microelectronics. I can still charge electric trimmers and toothbrush when there's oil/water/toothpaste on or even in the port. It also still trivially easy to break a usb port. On devices with the rubber power connector you can practically bend the plug out sideways without damage. They're also much easier to connect as they're not designed to support 10+Gbit/s of signal integrity.

I believe a sufficiently motivated market would come up with a good solution. I just don't believe every small device in my house needs its own proprietary charging tech.

My toothbrush is induction charged, this is the way.

I have an M1 now and it is glorious but back when I had the MBA with the butterfly keys, someone pointed me to https://github.com/aahung/Unshaky and it helped eliminate 99% of the double-typing or ghost keys. You will have to tweak the ms until you find the right number that fits your typing speed but once you get it all setup, the butterfly keyboard will become much more tolerable.

Or.. you could just swap it for an M1. :)

Privacy by Design! - We use biometric identification to ensure a fair launch.

So collecting fingerprints and iris scans, Privacy by Design?

Session is built to fix this problem https://getsession.org/

It does not require a number to setup an account and communicate.


What keywords did you track on Google trends?

Classic example of "How to Lie with Statistics?"

I have come across companies that stopped hiring in the US and moving jobs to Canada.

Even a Silicon Valley company with good funding recently that I applied to, with a job posting in San Francisco, eventually hired in Canada.

That's true for FAANG companies as well. They have slowed down hiring in US since it has become really hard to bring that talent in the country. Instead they are slowly moving their work to other countries and doubling down on hiring there. Source - I and many people I know have been approached for jobs in Countries other than my country of residence.

And companies opening branches in Canada as well.

You missed "Data"

I mean, it's implied in "customers" but yeah, they want the data obviously

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