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Use a cryptocurrency that has default private transactions, Monero comes to mind: https://getmonero.org/

Alternatively you could donate "offline" and just send them an envelope with a note and some cash in it.

Ty! Monero was mentioned twice here.

Brings back memories! I learned touch typing using two IBM Model M keyboards that my friends dad got from some bank office he was hired to clear out (the bank had closed, I think he drove half a trailer filled with those keyboards to the recycling center, would probably be worth quite a bit today!)

I took two, spray painted one black and switched over every second keycap so I had two keyboards with every 2nd key completely black.

Today I use a Logitech G413 mechanical keyboard at work, it's descent, but I still miss the old battle-tank Model M sometimes :)

Can strongly recommend Starting Strength, started out reading the book (written by Mark Rippetoe) back in January - started the program in February using the android app* as my guide. I feel better than I've done in years (I'm in my mid thirties)

Remember to eat well and make sure you get enough protein, otherwise it's hard to follow the program.

* = https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shabu.star...

Starting Strength is a great program, but I can't understand how beginners are doing power cleans without any kind of guidance from a trainer. Power cleans are really hard to learn - it took me months of going to Olympic weightlifting classes to get even close to good form on them. How did you manage to learn this from a book?

Also, you need to be doing them on a lifting platform for the end of the lift, when you have to drop the weight all the way to the floor. Not too many gyms (in the UK, at least) seem to have these.

I did crossfit 2-3 times per week for 1.5 years around 7 years ago at a gym where there was a lot of focus on technique, so it's been a while, but I didn't start from scratch with regards to technique.

That being said, I'm sure I have bugs in some of the exercises, I try to work them out via. videos and focusing on technique before I put more weight on the bar.

All the gyms I've been to here in Denmark have lifting platforms, squat racks, etc. so that hasn't been a problem for me.

The Starting Strength book is fantastic when it comes to showing a lift's mechanics

In my experience, some NDAs are so broad and unspecific it could be risky to sign it.

Just signed up to help out at the Copenhagen "department" of Hack Your Future, glad to hear it's working well!

I mentor a young guy who came to Denmark as a refugee a few years ago, we met through the mentor program at the Danish Refugee Council.

After two years of courses in math, physics, English, biology and Danish he finally got accepted into university and has his first day today studying robotics.

Signed up to help out at http://www.hackyourfuture.net/ as well, seems like an amazing project.

Did you speak English, or Danish?

I signed up to teach some programming to children in England, but then got a job in Copenhagen before starting. It will be years before my Danish is good enough to understand children in a classroom.

Both, I'm Danish. The guy I mentor is 22 years old now, he already spoke English when he arrived and has since learnt Danish.

You can sign up here:


There's also Coding Pirates, which is aimed at teaching kids technology, programming, etc.: https://codingpirates.dk/

And Hack Your Future - http://www.hackyourfuture.net/

Built a few things to teach myself new stuff, the ones that are still online are:

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bitmasch.b... - Wanted to learn a cross platform app framework. Built a simple game that would help my niece get better at basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Made with Apache Cordova. She only played it a few times, but her dad (my brother) ended up getting hooked on it for a while, beating other people's high score with 50-100 points every time someone beat his highscore.

http://p2pool.jir.dk - Wanted to get some experience in building a crawler and was interested in p2pool cryptocurrency mining at the time, so I built a p2pool crawler. The site does have adsense, but it doesn't really make any money.

I chuckled at the bit about a bluetooth connected salt-shaker because I thought it was a joke, after watching the video part of me still really wants to believe it's some sort of weird joke.

Thank you for the elaboration in your comment above, very useful in my journey as software focused consultant!

I'm working on something a bit similar, it's generating around 200 different recurring reports at the moment.

Did you do anything to make it work with large datasets? Is the web-frontend still responsive if a query returns 1 million rows for example?

On the web frontend, we paginate the reports and so it is supposed to be responsive with large datasets. We tested this with around 10K rows, we'll surely scale-up our tests for this.

BTW which charting library are you using for your reports?

On the few places in the frontend where charts are use I am using chart.js, which I'm happy with so far.

Most of the recurring reports simply spits out excel or csv files with no graphs.

I'm also doing something similar and using c3.js for charts.

Can you post your project?

You mean the source? I am not in a position to post the source, it's a product I'm developing with one client (who has it running) and another prospective client.

We haven't had time to make a marketing/demo site for it yet, sales has been through networking so far.

Seems to be the HTTPS Everywhere browser plugin that results in a blank page for me, debug console says:

  platform.launchrock.com/v1/getLaunchedSiteInfo:1 POST https://platform.launchrock.com/v1/getLaunchedSiteInfo net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
  platform.launchrock.com/v1/getClientIP:1 POST https://platform.launchrock.com/v1/getClientIP net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
Which makes sense, since the certificate for https://platform.launchrock.com has expired, if I disable HTTPS Everywhere, the site loads just fine.

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