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IIRC Android uses a regular Linux Bluetooth stack.

Also WRT your problems: In case you did not yet, switch to Pipewire. When I did that a couple of years ago, my BT Audio experience went from bad to really good.

I don't think android uses Bluez, android moved away from bluez a long time ago for their own custom bluetooth stack.


Android uses Fluoride - which coincidently has now come to ChromeOS. And yes, they named the migration "Project Floss".


It can be very device dependent, or even on which mode the device is in dependent.

For example, I have JBL headphones, that work perfectly in the A2DP mode; but switch to HFC for the mic, they will work for a few minutes, then drop off and stay that way until reboot.

That's with Ubuntu. With Android, no such problem.

And AFAIK the only part of Xorg where development happens in the recent years.

Not only (standalone Xorg continues to get small features), but likely the most active.

1. It is GPL, so you can't change the license without permission from all contributors 2. It has lots of contributors. And now that I think about it I guess some of those are not even alive anymore to grant any sort of permission

It is also GPL 2 - not "GPL 2 or later" so it can't be relicensed to a future version that has additional or different terms.

Linus on GPL 3: Linus Torvalds says GPL v3 violates everything that GPLv2 stood for https://youtu.be/PaKIZ7gJlRU

You make it sound as if the Apple App Store did not track you.

Getting into orbit is more about horizontal speed than altitude.

Rocket engines are much more efficient at lower atmospheric pressure.

The bigger the nozzle the faster the exhaust gas. Efficiency is proportional to the square of the speed of the exhaust gas.

The bigger the nozzle the lower the pressure of the exhaust gas. If the nozzle is too big then the atmospheric gas goes into the nozzle. That’s the limit on nozzle size for sea level launches.

Starting high is better because you can have a MUCH more efficient engine.

For me Pipewire changed that equation.

I am now convinced it is the best audio stack on desktop.

AFAIK Apple does not support Vulkan

Yeah it doesn't. But there is MoltenVK[0], which translates to Apple's Metal.

[0]: https://moltengl.com/moltenvk

It is french, but it does not seem to be EU.

French law still applies there, therefore this one. Failing that there's a few islands in the Caribbean, and French Guiana that are in the EU.

> Even Apple can’t access the data.

They own your device 100%. Of course they can access your data...

Technically yes, but their policy and business value proposition to the end user says they don’t. it would wipe hundreds of billions of dollars of their worth overnight if it were ever shown Apple was secretly, willfully selling individual’s personal health information. Follow the money.

One of the points of Nix it to _not_ adhere to FHS

See my reply to a sibling comment making the same point: https://news.ycombinator.com/edit?id=39005803

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