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> "The idea of an unlimited travle, and/or allowing players to catch up on previous games is something I'd like to add"

Maybe that and also switch to "capitals" mode to use the capitals of the countries instead of the country names. I used to use another "popular map guessing site" almost daily to practice world capitals until one of their pop-up adverts hijacked the page's onload and redirected me to another site. Travle seems much more effective than rote memorization, as it's practical.

"Security" would be a useful benefit/section to add to this post:

A.) If maintainers of your dependencies edited an existing/previous version, or

B.) If your dependencies did not pin their dependencies.

For instance, if you installed vue-cli in May of last year from NPM with --prefer-offline (using the cache / basically the same as checking in your node_modules), you were fine. But because vue-cli doesn't pin its dependencies ("node-ipc"), installing fresh/online would create WITH-LOVE-FROM-AMERICA.txt on your desktop [1], which was at the very least a scare, but for some, incredibly problematic.

[1] https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/issues/7054

Not sure of OP's reasoning, but...

If you're trying to start an actual business, it's very very difficult to get people to pay for your solution when a large incumbent can just pay people to use their competitive (potentially sub-standard) product by burning through mountains of, (sometimes not even their own), money. Or once you start to gain some traction, deplatform you from social/search, or bury you in frivolous lawsuits. It can be done, it's just not very straightforward (unless you also already have your own mountains of cash, or are very well connected). But, business is business, so sink or swim?

Otherwise, it's much easier to ride someone else's huge marketing budget (Apple App Store, WordPress plugins, ChatGPT etc.), which doesn't change the competitive landscape and gives those incumbents even more power (merchants/developers/creators touched by the platform's Midas finger become dependent on the platform because it's their income, then their users buy further into the parent system, etc.).

It doesn't usually take you 1-3 months to master eating food from the other store, whereas a language/platform is a major investment of your time. And you become a part of a community that helps each other, so making sure the community thrives is a worthwhile investment (hopefully greater than whatever you're paying monthly / what you spend comes back to you in opportunities).

The reason for the lawsuit [1] seems to contradict itself; it's against spreading misinformation on X, while invoking the principle of allowing misinformation on X?

> "But for speech to be truly free, we must also have the freedom to see or hear things that some people may consider objectionable. We believe that everyone has the right to make up their own minds about what to read..."

So... "Let [Media Matters] say what you [consider objectionable], and [let us make up our own minds about what to read]."

I do get that that shouldn't preclude lawsuits for slander/libel... but suing people out of existence with "thermonuclear" lawsuits seems to be roughly the same type of tyranny as the censoring he's taking a stand against.

[1] https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1725771191644758037

Ultimately this sort of thing gets justified as "I'm picking on people my own size", or "I'm defending the regular person against these other powerful entities".

Even billionaires like to think of themselves as Robin Hoods.

Definitely agree with that. And it's media vs. media, so they both have to sell a narrative since the stronger story, not who's actually right, will win.

This example seems to be survivorship bias. Personally, if someone approached me to suggest backstabbing someone else, I wouldn't trust that they wouldn't eventually backstab me as well. @bear141 said "People should oppose openly or leave." [1] and I agree completely. That said, don't take vacations! (when Elon Musk was ousted from PayPal in the parent example, etc.)

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38326443

> I wouldn't trust that they wouldn't eventually backstab me as well.

They absolutely would. The other thing you should take away from this is how they'd do it-- by manipulating proxies to do it with/for them, which makes it harder to see coming and impossible to defend against.

Whistleblowers are pariahs by necessity. You can't trust a known snitch won't narc on you if the opportunity presents itself. They do the right thing and make themselves untrustworthy in the process.

(This is IMO why cults start one way and devolve into child sex abuse so quickly-- MAD. You can't snitch on the leader when Polaroids of yourself exist...)

> don't take vacations!

This can get used against you either way, so you might as well take that vacation for mental health's sake.

I had this exact thing happen a few weeks ago in a company that I have invested in. That didn't quite pan out in the way the would-be coup party likely intended. To put it mildly.

You were approached to participate in a coup and therefore had it squashed? Or a CEO was almost removed during their vacation?

The first. And it was a bit tricky because it wasn't initially evident that it was a coup attempt but they gave themselves away. Highly annoying.

Dear god that sounds interesting and yet terrifying.

That's pretty accurate. It could have easily killed the company too.

How apropos... this just happened to me today. "Walk" displays for 3 seconds, then "Don't walk" flashes for 36 seconds. Multiple drivers, completely ignoring the pedestrians, were turning right. One driver yelled out "that means don't walk" while a few of us were patiently waiting in the middle of the crosswalk (since we can't teleport).

Clearly just bad UX, since this would be solved by having "Walk" flash instead.

While the UX isn't ideal, the driver's exam that everyone has to pass already covers this point -- "don't walk" flashing means finish crossing if you've already started. So the yelling driver is just wrong.

Would be nice to see cops aggressively ticketing drivers who turn right while pedestrians are trying to cross. At some of these intersections, it seems like you could just park a cop there all day and generate crazy money for the city.

It wasn't on my driver's exam iirc and it hasn't been that long since I took it.

Wasn't on my exam either. Half of my written test was things done so infrequently/never, that it was basically a joke. We took the exam in our high school, everyone crammed the questions and answers right before the test, and only one person failed.

Your mental model is wrong. Cops aren’t there to maximize revenue or enforce the law.

Multiple police officers in multiple towns in the US have told me they can’t write tickets for every traffic violation they see or the locals would turn against the police.

They are there to tax the most egregious offenders. It would be trivial for police officers to simply wait outside bars at 01:50 and breathalyze people every night driving home drunk, but they don’t. They’d be giving out a DUI every single night if they did that.

Sadly, that isn't enough.

On several occasions, I've walked into the crosswalk immediately after it changes to "Walk" and been honked at by a car that has nearly run me over. I've even experienced a few times where the next car wanting to turn right will follow closely behind the first, and I'm forced to go back and wait for the next light cycle... all while the sign still displayed "Walk".

As a result, there are a few intersections where I've accepted that I cannot cross regardless what the sign says so long as there are any cars waiting to turn right present.

Yep! Same. In that circumstance, at least, I'm able to point to the "Walk" and it's clear who's in the wrong. With a flashing "Don't walk" it's not immediately as obvious.

People are just shit drivers. Nowhere I've visited has had flashing red mean "stop in place" for pedestrians. This is something drivers are making up from whole cloth.

I recall that scene from Rainman.

isn't that a problem with right on green?

In this case, yes (although, their light does eventually turn red while time remains for pedestrians, yet drivers continue their flow into RoR).

Avoiding sugar and fat is evidence-based, but wayyy too broadly applied. Depends on the person, the condition, and the rest of the diet. Some people who shouldn't be eating broccoli are... some people who should be eating fats are avoiding them... some people who should be eating sucrose are avoiding it because they think it's the same as taking in glucose and fructose independently. Lots of people replaced butter with margarine, which was worse.

Another comment claims: "I recall andrej walking around the office at this time (tesla), bad-mouthing all the sugar products that came into his view, claiming they are weaponized; and very pleased if he saw any nuts." [1]

This advice would actually kill me fairly quickly if I didn't know any better.

The internet is full of prescriptions without qualifiers, and desperate people, (feeling very ill without answers from their doctors, or no access), willing to believe whatever opinions they find because it fits their current perspective without deviating too much. It might be better to just give people the tools they need to understand what's happening [2], and let them listen to their own symptoms to make changes, if they're willing and capable...

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38110001

[2] https://www.roche.com/about/philanthropy/science-education/b...

"But looking more closely at the increased deaths, they were mostly from autoimmune diseases that couldn’t plausibly be related to their donations."

Kidneys make calcitriol. One kidney means you'll make less, and if you don't supplement, you'll become deficient. Deficiency would (possibly) lead to autoimmune diseases.

Also EPO (erythropoietin). One kidney means less, and less (possibly) means fewer new red blood cells, then (possibly) anemia. Anemia wreaks havoc.

And bicarbonate.

To be clear, if you want to donate a kidney, then do it if it's the right choice. It's very kind. Just know what to pay attention to to keep yourself in good health.

One small advantage of kidney donation is that it comes with lifetime screening without some of the gatekeeping normally attached to that. I dunno exactly how it works in the US, but here in Canada you can't just really demand blood tests purely for screening reasons, there needs to be a reason for it. But if you're a donor, your transplant clinic will insist on periodic screening both to monitor for GFR dropping as well as other issues like the ones you mention.

Transplant centres vary for sure (to a surprisingly huge degree), but at least where I am if you do donate the clinic will be watching out for this stuff on your behalf.

Some screenings have gone direct to consumer in the US. Fairly easy to purchase online, make an appointment, then show up for a quick collection.



Quest is even running a sale right now on some tests!

There are also at-home versions like this YC company https://siphoxhealth.com (full disclosure, I have a conflict of interest here)

cries in New York

About erythropoietin (EPO), I understand it's a hormone whose amount is regulated by the need for oxygen in the blood (i.e. a feedback loop which regulates the amount of red blood cells to be just what is needed to satisfy the oxygen needs of the body).

So EPO is not limited by the ability of the kidneys to produce it (I expect, by a large margin). So one kidney would just as well be able to produce all the EPO you may need, the kidney is not the limiting factor.

A tour full of competitive cyclists would beg to differ with this analysis.

Cyclists who dope with EPO are raising their levels far beyond what is healthy in order to get their red blood cell count to superhuman levels. It has the side effect of massively raising your risk of stroke

My point is that cyclists dope with EPO precisely because the body doesn't produce enough for your oxygen needs. There is a cap, probably for good reasons as you say.

>they were mostly from autoimmune diseases that couldn’t plausibly be related to their donations

Sounds extremely brittle logic. Why couldn't they be "related to their donations"?

For starters, the donations could make their immune system weaker (and thus make any autommune diseases they already have more impactful) or make it go haywire to combat the post-operation stress...

The idea "the donations could make their immune system weaker" seems pretty brittle. Why? What biological mechanism would support that hypothesis? What kidney function that would be halved (assuming the remaining kidney wouldn't "step up" to fill the gap) that could lead to an autoimmune disorder?

Not saying there's nothing, but you haven't provided any more evidence or logic than OP has provided.

I was born with one kidney, a condition called renal agenesis. I’m 53 years old and in perfect health. Doctors don’t recommend any particular action.

As an aside, I’m also Buddhist so if the kidney goes I’m going with it. This obsession with prolonging life is just a distraction from living it.

> This obsession with prolonging life is just a distraction from living it.

Does brushing teeth twice a day also distract you from living?

I think the opposite.

Not enough people realize how high CAC (customer acquisition cost) really is, even for established businesses selling proven products (took a pic of a display board outside of AT&T: free iPhone and $800 to new customers). I think they see people finding overnight success on a weekend project, like these popups on ProductHunt, not realizing that they're ultimately piggybacking / riding the wave of someone else's huge CAC / marketing budget (in this case, OpenAI). Same happened with blockchain, etc.

ProductHunt type products are marketing using sweat capital/equity so it looks “free”

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