Wasp (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp) has actually worked out quite well! It just crossed 10k stars on GitHub and is currently the fastest-growing full-stack framework for React & Node.js. It's being used in both startups and enterprises.
Although Wasp has its own DSL/compiler, the secret to its adoption is probably that it works with the existing stack, like React & Node.js. From the developer's perspective, it feels like a framework; the "compiler" part is just what gives it its superpowers.
Uno achieves similar goals to Xamarin.Forms/MAUI. It's also based on .NET.
Main differences are that it also targets Linux+WebAssembly, and it's meant to be Pixel-Perfect so it would look and behave the same on all platforms by default.
It also offers a variety of additional packages out of the box and aims to be an end-end platform instead of solely a UI framework: Hot Reload, C# Markup alternative, a toolkit of mobile-first controls, design systems, reactive state management (MVU-like), recipes for Authentication/Navigation/Logging/DI/...
Wasp has been around a few times here as a full-stack framework, but one of the core reasons why we made it was to have an abstraction layer for common web app features.
Since Wasp got decently mature (Beta, 10k stars), we started investigating more on the DSL/abstraction side, and this is the first demo we built.
I'd love to hear what you think and whether you'd find it useful.
Aider is one of my favorite AI agents, especially because it can work with existing codebases. We've seen a lot of good results from folks who used it with Wasp (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp) - a full-stack web framework I'm working on.
I guess there were a couple of things that I found as tricky:
- deciding on the right way to represent sources and destinations was hard, before landing on URIs I thought of using config files but that'd also add additional complexity etc
- the platforms had different quirks concerning different data types
- dlt stores state on its own, which means that re-runs are not running from scratch after changing the incremental strategy, and they require a full refresh, it took me quite some time to figure out how exactly to work with it
I think among these the hardest part was to get myself to build and release it, because I had it in my mind for a long time and it took me a _long while_ to build and share it :)
Thanks for this! I also like Pointer, although they have more and more sponsored stuff lately imo. Terminal trove sounds great, I like terminals a lot (who doesn't)
Although Wasp has its own DSL/compiler, the secret to its adoption is probably that it works with the existing stack, like React & Node.js. From the developer's perspective, it feels like a framework; the "compiler" part is just what gives it its superpowers.