The widening of the pool of drafts doesn't work because it is not fun. When you find something that works you want to use it as much as possible because as the player all I want to see is the numbers get higher and higher. This is where the fun is. Most of the additional drafts aren't fun. Some I never use. When I play I don't even care about the forces that make it harder at the start anymore because most of the gameplay comes from what cards show which is heavy random number generator. There should be a continue play button when you fail the run though just so you can keep playing and see the numbers go higher and higher.
Empathy is I feel what you feel. Compassion is I understand what you feel, how can we help? It is usually better to aim for compassion because if a person is having a crisis you don't want to go down in flames with them, compassion gives us emotional space to be helpful rather than affected by emotions that can pull us down.
As someone who tries to be compassionate, with an SO that is highly empathetic, the former is far better. She is often emotionally debilitated by being emotionally devastated by things happening to family, friends, strangers, news stories. I think it actually skews her ability to be compassionate, because she acts in shortsighted ways to attempt to relieve her proxy emotions, instead of taking a step back and finding a better solution to the person suffering. No one that is already empathetic should attempt to increase their empathy. A little goes a long way and you should work on building compassion, understanding, patience, etc.
But what happens when you realise that your life is straight forward and simple, whereas everyone else around you is living complex or seemingly complex lives?
I imagine your perception of "straight forward and simple", is itself a simplification of the many complexities that make up one's life; for example, to start with, the infinite biological complexity of the cells, nervous system, brain, and pondering how thoughts and ideas flow through one's consciousness...
Thanks for the reply. I feel very hesitant about saying anything further anyway but I will. Consciousness is an expression of love, which is another way to describe the life in us. Consciousness as love is not complex. In our life we can choose love or the ego but it is up to us. When I say life is straight forward what I mean is, it is because it is just an expression of love each day. This isn't complex, but it can be if you want it to be. I can also respect how cells, their process and function can also seem complex but again they are just doing what they do based on their type and composition. They are all working together to help us with a vehicle to move through this life. Thank you for the opportunity to clarify this for myself as well. Thanks
Use When the launcher changed to a microsoft app we moved to using the multimc launcher. It has far more predicatable and reliable behaviour than what microsoft is offering
>perpetual refund period that covers "DRM or server obsolescence."
This seems like it would still be an issue if the company providing the game goes out of business. I've bought games from both PlayFirst and AmbrosiaSW and even after buying the games, the servers that verify registration no longer exist or work. It's disappointing that awesome and fun games aren't able to be played because they can't phone home.
I can think of several reasons why it is possible to trust software that may need to be run with full privileges.
The game is hosted on and they do have some backend checking for malware that is hosted on their website. There are many games that are released on by unknown developers.
If you download the game and look at the package contents you can see both the jars and the jre that are used to run the game. The mp3spi.jar also has the source code supplied because it is a requirement of the Lesser GLP 2.1.
Also another way to gauge trust is to look at the previous software I have made before also released on For Peace Of Mind there is a detailed set of developer logs and the process I have used is similar for Impossible Solitaire.
I also have a YouTube account where you can see the devlogs and gameplay trailers.
The two fonts I've used in the game are Hezaedrus and Redkost Comic. I selected both of these because they are available under the OFL (SIL Open Font License). For parts where readability in the game are important I've used Hezaedrus because it is sans serif.
I was playing a game of solitaire one afternoon and got very close to sorting all of the suits. When I play solitaire I think about how the game is an elaborate kind of sorting algorithm and I think about what the conditions may be that place the game into a deadlocked state.
I wanted to share my experience of playing this particular game of solitaire with others. I've included a secret in the game that represents what happened in the actual game I was playing.
I ended up laughing after realising what had happened.
I've designed Impossible Solitaire for practising a particular skill. That skill is enjoying the process rather than focusing on the end goal. I feel it's important to remember to enjoy what happens regardless of what the outcome is and I wanted to share an opportunity to practise this in the form of a game.
I'm really surprised that out of 276 comments, only one comment mentions that this is Jeff Vogel. I have enjoyed playing Jeff's games in the past, I think his games are beautiful. He's amazing as a game maker with all of his experience.
Would you even want to tell yourself advice learned from ten years of experience?
If I learn from the past ten years and then go back and tell myself two outcomes are possible. My past self listens and changes my future self or my past self doesn't listen and then end up who I was anyway. If my future self changes then they no longer exist to tell my past self and a time paradox is set up where they can't tell my past self advice.
With all that has been gained by the present self would you really want to give that up?
If I had told myself that I can live a life free of afflictive emotions, emotions of attachment, free of ego ten years ago, I would never have learned how to do this or how it is possible.