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A HN success story. This post makes my day.

Aww thanks! Although, I'm hesitant to call it a success story yet. Pretty sure that would triple the odds something spontaneously combusts.

A lot of writers do the exact same thing.

My son will be interested in this for sure.

Email is one of the last remaining things where your audience is directly yours and not part of a walled garden. So newsletters have made a come back.

Your audience can easily dwindle if Google or another popular email service marks your email as spam.

Many top novelists, scientists, engineers, etc., have come up with ideas doing something other than work. We’ve all had ideas at odd times and contexts. Sometimes good and occasionally outstanding ideas or solutions.

I like that 5 step process. It gives one’s brain time and space to process and integrate.

It’s true that correlation isn’t causation but I think, in moderation, games do improve cognitive skills. If it becomes something the kid does all the time, then I think the lack of balance does more harm than good. Moderation is all things.

Starting at around 5 or 6, Minecraft is fantastic.

My son does always try to improve the game creating, I think they are called modules or something, for Minecraft and full on games for Roblox so that’s some educational value.

Okay, I don’t have to feel as guilty when my son spends too much time on Minecraft and Roblox.

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